Chapter 2

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"So princess, this your first time at a summer camp?" Bellamy made coversation.

"Yeah it is. I take it you've been to lots of summer camps."

"Yeah, this will be my tenth time at camp Arkadia."


Bellamy began talking to some friends of his that were sitting behind him and Clarke pulled out a note book and began to draw.

At first she just doodled thinking of what to draw, it helped her to focus her mind. But she couldn't think of anything to draw. Normally things just came to her.

Looking out the window she racked her brain for inspiration. She then had the sudden erge to draw the boy sitting next to her.

No she couldn't do that, he'd notice and she hardly knew him, some people can be very weird about you drawing them.

Bellamy turned back to Clarke, not being able to keep away.

"Wow, that really good," he complemented.

The page next to the one she was doodling on had a drawing of a watch, her dad's watch.

"Thanks, actually I need some practice at doing portrates, do you mind if a draw you?" Clarke asked hoping.

"Yeah go right ahead," he told Clarke, turning his body more towards her.

Clarke turned her body as well and looked up at Bellamy. They held eye contact for a good few seconds before Clarke averted her face and began to draw.

She drew his chin first and then his solid jaw. She began to draw the cute dimple on his chin next.

Wait what! Did she think he was cute. Clarke dissmissed the thought, she had promissed herself there would be no more relationships this year since her break up with Finn.

Clarke's phone vibrated bringing her out of her trance. She set down her pencil and picked up her phone - it was Finn.

"Don't open the message," she told herself, but she couldnt controll her fingers and the message opened.

"I'm sorry, I know I've been getting too attatched, but I can't help loving you. I'm sorry for how I acted and I hope that you can forgive me. Love Finn xx"

Clarke sighed and put down the phone, "you're not allowed to text back," she told herself.

She looked back up at Bellamy who was still waiting paitently looking at her.

"Sorry," she said to him and continued drawing.

Clarke's phone vibrated again, she picked it up, it was Finn. Managing to muster the strength she turned her phone off.

Bellamy saw her concentration.

"Who is it?" he asked her.

"Err .. Finn, my ex boyfriend," she told him.

"What happened."

"He's always been a bit over protective, then on the last week of school some guy wolf whistled me in the hall way and he completely lost it and started punching the guy."

"Wow, I take it you broke up with him," Bellamy prompted not wanting to pry too much.

"Yeah," Clarke said, putting her phone away, Bellamy took this as a sign to end this conversation and let Clarke continue to draw him.

After about half an hour Clarke set down her pencil and looked at her work. Pleased with it she turned it around to show Bellamy.

"Wow," he said, taking the notebook in his hands, "that's amazing."

The coach came to a stop at a small building just off from the main road. Jaha filled people off to go to the toilet.

The journey to Camp Arkadia after that was fairly uneventful, both Clarke and Bellamy listened to their music in silence.

Thank you for reading, please remember to vote and comment, I'd love to know what you think.

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