Chapter 16

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"Round one winners!" Wells shouted as he pointed to the winning team.

The winning team cheered and congratulated their fellow teamates.

Meanwhile on Bellamy and Clarke's team Bellamy took charge.

"Right everyone huddle in," he said loudly with authority.

Everyone did so creating a large circle of people all looking to Bellamy.

Clarke smiled to herself, this man was caring, smart, not to mention good looking and he had asked her to the disco.

"Most of you know the ruels, three rounds losing team has to collect the wood for the bonfire. That means that we have to win this next game," Bellamy informed everyone as they all payed close attention.

"Round 2!" Wells called from the stage, getting everyones attention again.

"Now for this round you need to be in partners," Wells continued.

This announcement was followed by lots of talking people quickly organising who they were pairing up with.

Clarke an Bellamy didn't speak to one another, Bellamy simply held her hand signalling that they were together.

"Quiet!" Wells silenced, "one person in you pair will be blindfolded and the other will have their hands tied behind their back."

Again after this announcement people began talking, talking in small groups and disgusing strategies.

"The challenge will be a classic egg and spoon race," Wells shouted over peoples voices, "the blindfolded person will be holding the spoon and the person with their hands tied behind their back will have to guide them."

"What would you prefer to do?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"Personally I wouldn't want to be guided by me so I think it would be best if I am blindfolded," Clarke said, laughing a little.

"Okay," Bellamy chuckled slightly and retrieved two blindfolds from a pile.

Clarke turned around, her back now facing Bellamy and he gently tied the blindfold over her eyes. Bellamy then handed the other blind fold to Clarke and put his hands behind his back. She tied his wrists together tightly, but not so it hurt.

"Right 5 pair at a time can go line up," Wells shouted instructions.

Bellamy and Clarke ended up in the middle line, third row back.

"Once the pair in front of you has finished you can go. If you drop your egg you're to pick it up and start again," Wells instructed, "Is everyone ready!"


The first row of pairs started quickly with no one dropping their eggs. However the second row on Bellamy and Clarke's team weren't so good. A few people dropped there eggs straight away and kept having to go back to the start. The pair in front of them however finished quite quickly so of they went.

Bellamy told Clarke to "Go," with urgency.

She did so taking small steps trying to keep her wrist as steady as possible.

It was all going so well untill Clarke dropped the egg when they were halfway.

"It's okay," Bellamy said calmly, "the egg is to your left on the floor."

Clarke squatted down and not being able to see, fumbled around on the floor.

"Right a little bit," Bellamy instructed, "a bit further away."

Clarke reached further, but then she got a shock when her hand landed on someone's foot.

Before she could react the girl she had tripped fell and bumped into Bellamy. Not being able to steady himself Bellamy fell backwards bumping into other people on his way down softening the fall.

Clarke's blindfold came off, and she was knocked over during all the commotion as well.

Clarke found herself laying on the floor face to face with Bellamy.

They held eye contact for a few moments, the two of them smiling at the funny scene that had just taken place.

Clarke placed her hand on Bellamy's shoulder and leant forward. She felt vulnerable for an eternity untill Bellamy closed the distance and kissed her.

The two of them felt amazing tingles flooding their bodies, rushes of emotions.

Clarke couldn't help but smile like an idiot as the two of them stood up.

"Winners!" Wells shouted pointing at the other team.

Bellamy didn't care that his team had lost, he still felt like a winner.

Thank you for reading, sorry that I haven't uploaded in ages. Hope you enjoyed, please remember to vote and comment.

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