Chapter 15

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Bellamy and Clarke continued to dance looking deeply into each others eyes.

"So are you enjoying camp?" Bellamy asked.

"Yeah I love it, it's great," Clarke replied beaming.

Clarke looked even deeper into Bellamy's eyes, wait was she starting to love this boy. She'd known him such a short amount of time but felt like she'd known him forever.

Bellamy looked at Clarke, his friends had been taking the micky out of him the past week, for constantly staring at her, but he couldn't help it.

Bellamy made his decision and leant in towards Clarke. She noticed what was happening and leant in as well. She was going to kiss Bellamy Blake!

Just then the music stopped and Wells spoke at the mike.

Clarke and Bellamy averted their attention and looked towards the stage.

"Right two teams!" Wells shouted as Miller walked down the centre of the dance floor pulling a rope that was tied to the stage.

Miller and the rope neared Bellamy and Clarke, about to split the two of them up. But Bellamy quickly grabbed Clarke and pulled her over to his side.

The rope was tied at the other and and divided the dance floor, sitting at about waist height.

"What's happening?" Clarke asked Bellamy confused.

"It's a camp tradition," he explained, "we play games against the other team."

Clarke nodded and looked around the dance floor, she had no idea what she was meant to be doing, but some how with Bellamy she felt safe.

"Round one!" Wells continued, as Miller distributed a bag of scrunched up newspaper on each side of the rope.

"You have three minutes to get the most newspaper onto the other teams side. The team with the most newspaper on their side loses. On your marks, get set, go!"

Both teams immediately picked up newspaper and started to throw it onto the other side.

Bellamy was acting quickly, he obviously enjoyed this game and was probably being the most successful on that team.

Clarke was slowly getting the hang of the game but she didn’t feel like she was making any progress. All the newspaper she threw just ended up coming back.

"One minute left!" Wells shouted from the stage.

Everyone picked up the pace, throwing more and more newspaper.

Clarke was trying her best but she was no match against the other team. Luckily she had Bellamy on her side who definitely had the knack of this game.

"Three, two, one stop!" Wells ordered and everyone stood still.

Wells then counted up the newspaper on one side whilst Miller did the other.

"57!" Miller shouted from the side which Clarke and Bellamy were on.

"43!" Wells called from the other side as a cheer rose up in the crowd.

Thank you for reading, sorry this chapter took so long I've been really busy. Hope you enjoyed, please remember to vote and comment.

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