Chapter 11

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Bellamy turned to Clarke not really knowing what to say. What had he just done?

"Err... So would you like to go to the disco with me?" he asked hoping she'd say yes, what on earth would he do if she said no.

"Yes, I'd love to," Clarke responded not being able to contain her smile. She was so happy, how could this be happening?

"Great, I'll meet you at your cabin at 7?"

"Sounds good," Clarke responded and they both left the office.


Clarke walked into her cabin and found Raven there reading a book.

"Raven, what are you wearing to this disco?" Clarke asked her not knowing what she herself was going to wear.

"I'm wearing this," she said producing a red dress with a cut out back, from her wardrobe.

"What do you think I should wear?" Clarke needed her advice.

"Well let's see," Raven said opening Clarke's wardrobe.

After a few minute of searching Raven took out a dark green knee length dress, with 3 quarter length lacy sleeves.

"This," Raven said gesturing to the dress, "ohh, with those boots."

Raven took out Clarke's high heeled brown lace up ankle boots.

"Boots?" Clarke questioned.

"Yeah the disco is outside on the patio," Raven explained, "and there's a bonfire towards the end."

Clarke tried in the dress and boots just as Octavia arrived.

"What's your verdict?" Raven asked Octavia.

"I like it, but care to tell me that your going to the disco with my brother," Octavia looked at Clarke.

"Octavia..." Clarke started.

"I'm joking don't worry, I don't mind, I think my brother really likes you," Octavia smiled a genuine smile.


Bellamy arrived back at his cabin and found Murphy getting his shirt ready.

"You manage to get a date?" Murphy asked.

"Yeah I did actually."

"Who with?"


"What the princess?"

"Yes Murphy," Bellamy responded a bit fed up with his friend.

"Are you taking anyone?" he asked Murphy.

"No, no way," he answered quickly.

"Why are you so.. Ah I know you like that Emori girl," Bellamy figured out.

"No I don't," Murphy protested.

"She lives across the road doesn't she?" Bellamy went on.

"No," Murphy answered, she obviously did.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I heard that Lincoln is taking Octavia to the disco," Murphy remembered.

"He's doing what?" Bellamy shouted leaving the cabin.

He stormed down the path remembering that Lincoln was helping to set up the disco, he was going to have a firm word with him.

Thank you for reading, and a thank you for all the lovely comments I've been receiving, it makes me really happy to hear that people are enjoying this story.

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