Chapter 6

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Clarke was back in her cabin now changing into her clothes for the Mount Weather race. They had been told to wear all white for the race in order for the paint to stand out. Octavia had told her not to worry that the paint washes out.

Clarke was wearing white shorts and a long sleeved white crop top. Octavia was also wearing white shorts but with a white bikini top. Both girls had their headbands tied around their heads holding back their hair.

"We should get going," Octavia said to Clarke, "it'll start getting dark soon."

"All right," Clarke responded and the girls headed for the edge of the woods.


Bellamy was already at the start line with Murphy.

"So what's with you and that Clarke girl?" Murphy asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You helped her to her cabin and sat with her on the coach," Murphy persisted.

"I didn't have a choice on the coach that was no where else to sit," Bellamy protested.

"You didn't have to carry her suitcase though," Murphy teased.

"Shut up Murphy," Bellamy told him not too harshly.

"Hey Bell!" Octavia shouted, her and Clarke approaching.

Octavia hugged her brother and then Clarke and Bellamy shared an awkward hello and wave.

Bellamy had the blue head band low on his forehead, it was only just above his eyebrows. Murphy had refused to wear his round his head and had tied it around his right bicep.

"So do you understand the game?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"Yeah I think I've got it," Clarke responded, not knowing how to keep the conversation going.

Harper came over and joined the group she had been collecting their guns.

Clarke observed that other people were practising their shooting on targets that had been set up. She looked at the gun confused, she really didn't know what she was doing.

"Need a hand princess?" Bellamy asked her, with Murphy out of ear shot.

"Yeah, what am I supposed to do?" she asked him completely lost.

"Right you need to hold the gun like this," he said showing her with his own gun.

"Like that," Clarke tried her best to copy.

"It needs to be a little higher here," Bellamy told her adjusting the position of her gun.

Bellamy's hand was still on Clarke's shoulder and the two of them stood there for a few awkward moments.

"Right," Bellamy shook himself out of his trance, "you need to look through this hole, pick your target, then shoot."

Bellamy stood behind her his hands on his shoulders. Clarke pulled the trigger, she wasn't quite ready for the force it was about to produce and she went backwards into Bellamy.

Bellamy caught her his arms around her, he looked up at the target, bullseye.

Clarke turned her head and looked up at Bellamy, her heart was beating fast and she couldn't quite get over what was happening.

"Good shot," Bellamy complemented, still holding her.

"T..thanks," she stuttered.

"Hey Bell, you ready to go?" Octavia asked walking over.

Bellamy and Clarke quickly stood apart from each other, and Bellamy picked up his gun.

Octavia saw the two of them and smiled.

"Let's go," Clarke took the initiative and walked ahead with Octavia.

Yay, two chapters in one day! Thank you for 100 reads! Thanks for reading please remember to vote and comment.

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