Chapter 4

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Clarke approached cabin 23 and carried her suitcase up the steps onto the small decked area. She could see someone moving inside so she knocked on the door.

"Hello," a dark haired girl, a few years younger than Clarke, pocked her head around the door.

"Hi I've been told I'm in this cabin," she told her.

"Ahh great I was wondering when you'd get here. I'm Octavia and a girl called Raven has been and bagged that bed. So that leaves you with this one," Octavia explained, pointing to a low bed next to a window.

"Well I'm Clarke, it's nice to meet you," she extended her hand.


A few hours passed, Clarke had put away her things and stuck up her drawings on the wall above her bed.

She looked out of her window and saw Bellamy approaching the cabin. Her heart fluttered and she was suddenly excited. He must like her. He'd come out of his way to see her.

Before Bellamy reached the door Octavia jumped up and flung open the door and embraced Bellamy.

"Oh great," Clarke thought to herself, he has a girlfriend, who is her roommate, just great. How hadn't she thought of that earlier, he was way too handsome and popular to be single.

Clarke quickly glanced at Octavia and Bellamy, not wanting to intrude. That was weird, they hadn't kissed, they were just talking.

"Hey, Clarke," Bellamy called over to her.

"Hey," she called back still sat on her bed, she didn't feel like going over.

"Sorry," Octavia said to Clarke, "this is my brother Bellamy."

Clarke instantly smiled. She wasn't his girlfriend. Okay he still may have a girlfriend, but at least it wasn't her roommate.

"Me and princess have already met," Bellamy told his sister as Clarke walked over to them.

"Oh, so that's who Murphy was shouting to on the bus," Octavia exclaimed, understanding.

"Are you joining the Mount Weather race tonight Clarke?" Bellamy asked.

"What's the Mount Weather race?" she questioned.

"It's a camp tradition," Octavia explained, "On the first night of camp people are randomly sorted into small groups. Then at night fall the race starts and the first group to reach Mount Weather wins."

"Yeah, I'm up for that," Clarke announced, excited.

"Don't worry about getting lost, Jaha makes sure that there is a camp counsellor in every group," Bellamy assured her.

"Bellamy come in," a crackled voice said from the radio on his hip, that Clarke hadn't noticed earlier.

"Sorry," Bellamy said to Clarke and Octavia, as he left to take the call.

"Do you want me to show you around camp?" Octavia asked Clarke.

"Yeah that would be great," Clarke agreed, and both girls left the cabin and headed towards the main square.

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