Chapter 5

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The square was a hive of activity, everyone was catching up with old friends and getting to know new ones. A few of the camp counsellors were walking around with clipboards taking down names for the Mount Weather race.

"Hey, O," a boy walked over to Octavia and Clarke.

"Hi Jasper, how are you?" she said hugging him.

"I'm good, finally a camp counsellor," he said pointing to his top.

All the camp counsellors wore light blue t-shirts with the Camp Arkadia logo on the front, and their names on the back.

"Well done," Octavia congratulated him, "this is Clarke," she introduced.

"Oh we're you the one Bellamy was sitting next to?" Jasper asked.

"How do you know about that? You're not even on that bus," Octavia questioned.

"Murphy told me," he explained. "Now can I get you're names down for the Mount Weather race?"


Octavia and Clarke stayed in the main square for the next to hours playing table tennis, and Octavia introduced Clarke to Monty and Harper.

The loud speaker rang out and people turned towards the raised area at the centre of the square, where Wells was standing at the microphone.

"I would like to announce that everyone has signed up for the Mount Weather race!" Wells started.

This announcement caused a cheer to erupt from the crowd. After it hushed Wells began to talk again.

"I will now pass you onto Bellamy who will explain the rules," Wells stepped down from the platform and Bellamy stepped up.

"Right most of you know the rules, but in case you don't I'm going to go over them briefly now. For the race you will each be given a gun, these are not real and are loaded with tarts of paint. It's a bit like paintballing but it doesn't hurt as much. If you are shot and paint gets on your clothes you are out. As you get closer to Mount Whether there will be acid fog. The orange powdered paint will be launched into the air, if any of this gets on your clothes you are out. That is all the rules so I will now pass you onto Jaha who will read out the groups," Bellamy left the stage.

"Now, there are 20 teams and each will be represented by a different colour," Jaha explained.

"Red team," Jaha took out a bag of names, "Octavia."

Octavia walked to the stage where Jaha have her a red headband.


Atom hesitantly walked towards the stage and received a red head band, he then went and stood with Octavia.

Another three people were put into the red team, they were, Jasper, Lincoln and Maya.

Orange team and yellow team were called before Clarke heard her name.

"Blue team, Clarke."

She retrieved her head band and stood to the side on her own, nervous of who would be in her team, she hoped Bellamy was.


"Oh great" Clarke thought, she couldn't think of anyone worse to be in a team with.

Murphy collected his head band and came and stood next to Clarke.

"How are you doing princess?" he asked, his voice taking the mick.

"Shut up Murphy," she responded.

Harper and Monty were also called to be in blue team, just one space left.

"Bellamy," Jaha called out.

Clarke smiled, maybe this team wasn't going to be that bad after all.

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