Well, you are on top of me...~Battle of Hogwarts part 4~ (age 15)

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And,with that, she let go.

Someone was yelling their names. That was the first thing Ron and Hermione realized after they burst out of the Room of Requirement. 

"Ron!" a voice yelled. "Hermione!" They glanced at each other and ran towards the voice. But when they reached the end of the hallway, there was no one there. Ron glanced out of the window and spotted a Death Eater lying dead on the ground. Someone that looked like Luna, but he couldn't be sure from this far away, was staring quizzically at the body. Suddenly, Hermione gasped and Ron turned back inside. She stared at him, regret and worry filling her eyes. Finally, she stepped towards him and placed something in his hand. Ron glanced down and froze. It was a knife. But not just any knife. Lauren's knife. The one she always had. It all added up in their heads now, except for one thing. The voice calling their names, Lauren's knife laying here when it was never not at her side, but if all of this was here, then where was Lauren?

Down, Down, Down, they fell. The seventh floor was a long way down after all. But the whole time they were falling, Lauren didn't make a sound. She didn't scream at the top of her lungs like her father, nor did she flap around. She simply shut her eyes as wind rushed by her ears, content with her fate. She didn't regret anything, not really. If anything, death might be preferable if Voldemort won this battle. On the other hand, Peter Pettigrew was a different story. He screamed loud enough to break glass as they plummeted, regretting everything he'd done- every betrayal to James, to Anna, to Lily, and the rest of the Order. As they neared the ground, Lauren prepared herself for death, because this fall was sure to kill them both. But instead of hitting the ground, she hit something else. Something.....feathery. She snapped open her eyes and glanced around. She was still in the air, but she wasn't falling. Instead, she was unconsciously clinging to.....Buckbeak? Sure enough, the familiar hippogriff was flying in place in the sky. Lauren gasped and adjusted herself so she was sitting on the creature. She strained her neck to the ground and saw Wormtail lying there, un-moving, with a wand stuck through his chest. Lauren frowned, wondering, but her question was soon answered as a Death Eater's head popped out from underneath Peter and scrambled away from him, reluctantly pulling his bloody wand out of the dead man's chest. Suddenly, Buckbeak let out a roar and dove down towards another floor of the school. Lauren clung to the hippogriff as he dove through a hole in the third floor, stopping instantly. Lauren was unprepared for the stop and went flying over the creature, landing on top of someone. That person let out a small yelp and the two of them collapsed to the floor, tangled up in each other limbs. Meanwhile, Buckbeak let out another roar and attacked the Death Eater that the other person had been fighting, tearing him to pieces. Lauren shook her head and finally looked down at the person she'd slammed into. She bit back a smug grin as a familiar sandy-haired boy stared at her. 

"Hi Colin!" she said cheerfully, her lightning eyes bright. "Just thought I'd drop in," she added jokingly. He frowned at her and shook his head. Just as Lauren started to sit up, to make their situation a little bit less awkward, shouts began from down the hallway. Colin and Lauren whipped their heads around to see a group of Death Eaters running down the hall. One of them spotted them on the floor, staring and shot a curse. Quick as a flash, Colin grabbed Lauren and rolled over, so that he was on top of her, turned and threw a spell of his own, shielding them. He turned back to Lauren and found her staring at him with wide eyes and a bright pink face. He cocked a eyebrow at her. 

"Are you blushing?" he asked in disbelief. She nodded slightly, a smug grin growing on her face. "In the middle of a battle?" he continued. 

"Well, you are on top on me." she remarked. "Most boys would love to be in this situation." At her words, Colin went pink and he immediately got off her and stood up, extending a hand to help her up. She took it gratefully and glanced back at the death eaters who were about to break through Colin's hastily made shield. 

"So, we should probably run now, right?" she questioned. 

"....Yea" Colin nodded. With that, they bolted down the hallway. Soon after, the Death Eaters were chasing them. The pair ran and ran until they reached a dead end, for the hallway ended with a window. "We have to jump," Colin realized.

 "It'll be okay, I know it" Lauren assured him. He glanced nervously at the oncoming Death Eaters. 

"Let's go then." he insisted. So, they climbed onto the windowsill, looking down anxiously at the ground below. "Now!" Colin yelled, pushing her out the window as she started to turn. The last thing she saw as she fell was a Death Eater grabbing Colin and pulling him away from the window. 

He saw them coming, she realized. And he saved me from them. 

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