OK,Peoples! I need to ask you all 3 Important,random Questions for random projects. You don't need to put your name.
1. Do you want to save Cheeseburgers from getting treaded on?
2. What is your Zodiac?
Capricorn - (12/22 - 1/19)
Aquarius - (1/20 - 2/18)
Pisces - (2/19 - 3/20)
Aries - (3/21 - 4/19)
Taurus - (4/20 - 5/19)
Gemini - (5/21 - 6/20)
Cancer - (6/23 - 7/22)
Leo - (7/23 - 8/22)
Virgo - (8/23 - 9/22)
Libra (9/23 - 10/22)
Scorpio - (10/23 - 11/21)
Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21
*Also if you were born on the first or last day of one of these, you are a Cusp. Cusps possess some of the qualities the zodiac before or after them have.
I'm a cusp! Born on 2/18, (Aquarius) So apparently I have some Pisces qualities also. If you were a Virgo born on 8/23, You would possess some Leo qualities! *This is for fun! Not for anything spiritual!3. What are 10 or less words to describe you? (This will be associated with your zodiac.)
You might be asking why I'm doing this.
#1 My social studies teacher says "As Americans we have the right to petition and protest things, no matter how stupid they are." So what I did was start a Petition for Making treading on cheeseburgers illegal. My goal is to get over 100 signatures by Friday and give it to her as a prank. She likes our weird ways, but her face is hilarious when we go too random. (We don't get in trouble.) But I already have 28 signatures!#2 JaydinFarro and I are doing a Zodiac project for teachers explaining how we are all alike and how Zodiacs can relate to each unit and subject, then making our own zodiac chart. Also finding the Zodiacs of Historic Figures We need your answers, PLEASE, Sparrowstar563,Woofimadog,TurtleLord28,nothingXtoXliveXfor,Ravishingrose,take_me_howl,MeghanDarby,Lost_Ink_Monster,FIXWP2K17,obsessive_bookwcrm,annaakana,kimwong101684,nivan_rudi272,fictionologist,lindzee174536,BethEllis24,perfectminer,g-gabbi,Poolismylife2004,Chuahuastar,LoveWordsThings,RainbowGlitterCat,PepperTylerFanfics,Min-jae245,gholliday,Cheerfulcomet,Kayyy_ravenclaw,mabelrocks31,Princessserebour2003,MikaelaBender,
,PinkyDotCake,CalMeRaven,_Alice-In-Wonderland,hauntingsunshine14,MayzieHunter,goldengirl272,DubstepQueen27! Yes,I put almost (keyword: almost) everyone I follow, I will mention and write a Thank you message on your wall, along with a thank you page.
Our Next Petitions (Just so you know):
- U haul trucks need better treatment
- Dogsx should have as fair court trial before being put down
Randomly Writing Always (Always Randomly Writing Book 2)
RandomThis is anything that pops into my head, whether it's fandom or problems. If you want a laugh, an argument, a theory, a poem, or pretty much everything else, You picked the right book!