Chp 25- Your Heart

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I could hear some noises in the background. It hurts so much, why is my damn head hurting so much. It was spinning a little. Ashley.. where is she? I remembered vaguely her being in front of me. I was terrified. I thought I had her in my arms before she appeared again at my door. I turned back and saw Jenna’s face. I swear my heart almost dropped out when I realized I am on top of Jenna, with Ashley in the doorway catching me on the bed. How unlucky can I get? I am tired, so tired. My heart is so tired..

Ashley’s POV

I walked through the mess and went into his room. I pulled open his cupboard, took some clothes and toiletries from his toilet. I rummage through his drawers for his boxes but couldn’t find any. I pulled opened another drawer before I stopped. It’s his stretch book. I took it out and noticed other things that stopped my breathing. My presents. From him. He still kept them after I gave him back so long ago. There are some soft toys, a few photos of me and him, trinkets. I took out a black box and opened. I smiled as my tears rolled down my cheeks. I was opening one by one the notes that I wrote to him when we were together. Our cards, slips of paper that I passed to him during class. I folded all back and put it neatly inside and hugged the box tightly to my heart. I proceed to place all the stuff back inside when I remembered his stretch book. I opened it slowly. I shouldn’t be doing this, going through his privacy but I can’t stop. My tears are splashing onto his drawings as I flipped through. They are all me. When I am laughing, some even had Pam or Dan in them, when I gave a pouty face. There are so many heart breaking ones. A lot of scenes with my eyes glancing at him sadly, with me walking away from him. Those are when I was younger. It was a blank page before I saw drawings of me in my office suit. In my dress. Even one that looks like I am resting on his chest. Sobbing as I clutched his book to my chest, I wiped my tears before placing it back to its rightful place. I searched around some more before finding his boxes in a drawer near the toilet. After stuffing everything into a bag I walked out.

It was already two days but Bruce didn’t wake up. I cleaned his body twice a day, occasionally talked to the nurses or his parents. They are not angry at me which I am grateful for. Even Pam and Dan visited him.

By the third day I am scared. He is not awake yet. The doctors couldn’t find a reason as to why he didn’t wake up. He is not in a coma yet he still refused to regain consciousness.

“Bruce, it’s me again. Ashley. Can you hear me? Please don’t sleep anymore. You slept long enough. Wake up. I’m waiting for you.” I softly whispered to him as I massaged his hands. 

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