Chp 23- Cutting Off Heartstrings

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No. Please don’t leave me. Why? That was all Bruce could think as he ran after Ashley.

“Ashley! Wait!” I shouted as the cab whizzed past. Pain. There is nothing else. I crashed to the floor on my knees and for the first time in my life, cried even though there are so many people around.

After I finally reached my apartment, I rushed in after I saw the door unlocked.

“Ashley?! Ashley!” Running through the rooms, I slide down against the wall after no sight of her. Her belongings gone.

Ashley’s POV

“This is insane! Get your ass back here Ashley Brown! You can’t just throw everything away after Bruce confessed to you! Are you out of your freaking mind!” I took deep breath. Clutching my phone until my fingers hurt, I paused before answering.

“Pam. I just can’t deal with it right now. I.. my heart hurts like hell. I’m so confused. I will come back after a while. I’m sorry.” I cut off the line when I heard her protest again. I already messaged my dad and took leave for a month. I had also informed Dan and Jenna of my absence. I flopped back onto the bed and sighed. After I ran off, I took all my stuff and booked a plane and here I am in Hawaii. Bruce..he says he love me. Then why am I so scared? I closed my eyes as my heart clenched in pain again.

It was two weeks after I ran off. Every day was just sleeping or a walk on the beach, the clear sea water sparkling. I thought about him every day. Stared at my phone for hours, always chickened out when I am about to press call to his number. How could we be the same? What if something happened? I can’t lose him the second time. ‘You’re going crazy. What could happen? You love him don’t you?’ I was having the internal battle again. My god..i just ran off like that. How could I ever face him again? My war within myself was interrupted when my phone rang. I had already blocked out most of the people so who could it be?


“Ashley? It’s Beatrice. I need your help.” I sat up hastily. Aunt Beatrice sounds husky like she just cried.

“ Hi Beatrice..what happened?” I answered in a soft voice.

“It’s Bruce. You need to help him.” My heart stabbed when I heard his name.

“ No…Oh my god I mean yes I will help. Please don’t tell me he done anything harmful.” I am trembling a bit now. I started to sweep all my stuff into my bag, zipping up my luggage.

“ He..i mean Bruce..he.” I am panicking as I heard her sobbing.

“Aunt Beatrice..please tell me what happened.” Tears are welling up in my eyes. I tried to control the shaking in my voice as I towed my luggage to the lift.

“ He locked himself in his apartment refusing to see anyone. I don’t know what will happen to him. He hasn’t been out of there for over a week now.” I heard her sobbing again.

“I’m so sorry.. I’m coming now.” After our goodbyes I rushed to book a ticket back to New York.

The first thing I did is calling Bruce. The line is off. I panicked and called my dad. After shocking news that Bruce dropped off everything and disappeared. His dad Uncle Stanley picked up both our messes. After a good scolding from my dad he hang up. I reached New York and rushed to his apartment.


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