Chapter 3

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"Gaia and I have concerns that a new power is rising." Aion stated as he eyed Ustrina, Terra, Aqua, and Aura curiously.

"What do you mean?" Terra asked in concern.

"We have reason to suspect that someone is plotting to overthrow us as Mother Nature and Father Time." Gaia answered in a commanding voice as she stood up and walked over toward Aion. Aion put a calming hand on her shoulder as he began to speak again.

"We have suspicions of who it could be, but we cannot say for sure," Aion continued.

"So, why did you call us four here?" Aqua asked calmly as she began to fiddle with her hair. Aura looked fearfully at Terra who placed an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Ustrina saw this and almost gagged. She decided to ignore the touching sisterly moment by messing with her shimmering ash dress and adding flames designs along the trim. Ustrina did not really understand how they could be like that toward each other. She could not even recall ever giving any of her siblings a hug or even just placing a hand on them at all. The only person who could maybe understand her was probably Aqua. Aqua did not really show affection toward anyone either; however, she did more than Ustrina though.

"We wanted to warn you four just in case whoever tries to overthrow us decides to go after you. You are the most powerful spirits after Gaia and myself." Aion explained worriedly. Aura looked up at her older sisters fearfully. Aqua and Terra gave her a reassuring smile while Ustrina just seemed like she was trying to ignore her gaze. Suddenly, they all heard footsteps echoing off one of the grand staircases that lead down into the throne room. "Ah, Aevum is here. Now that we got that business out of the way, we shall all sit down to a feast." Aion finished with a smile as he pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. "Right on time too."

"Hello, everyone." Aevum greeted as he approached the group in the throne room. Aevum was Father Time's apprentice. Unlike Aion, Aevum was much younger and actually appeared to be around the same age as Terra and Ustrina. The oldest elemental spirits all appeared to be in their late twenties while Aqua looked to be in her mid-twenties. Aura on the other hand looked like she could have been about twenty years old. Aevum had jet black hair with a little bit of matching facial hair. Like Aura, he had crystal blue eyes and pale skin that made his eyes stand out even more. He wore an outfit that was similar to Father Time's except there was more armor on his. The armor on Aevum's outfit had white chainmail that covered his entire body. On his shoulders, chest, ankles, and wrists he wore white armor plates that protected him even more. Around his waist he wore a white loincloth with gold trim and a cape that matched Aion's. Unlike Aion clean and precise outfit, Aevum's looked slightly more wore out like he had been in many different battles.

"Hello, Aevum. You are just in time for the gathering feast." Aion greeted his young apprentice as he gestured for everyone to follow him into the dining room. Aura and Terra fell behind the rest of the group as Aura suddenly looked up at Terra with a smirk.

"So, are you going to sit next to Aevum?" Aura asked teasingly. Terra quickly shushed her then looked up ahead to where Aevum was walking to see if he heard.

"Aura, careful! Aevum could have heard you." Terra whispered worriedly.

"Come on, Terra! He likes you and you like him." Aura argued as they walked up a grand, green carpeted staircase. "You two just need to get together already." Terra decided to ignore her until they reached the dining hall. The dining hall really only consisted of the table, chairs, and fireplace. The walls in this room were also covered in vines and plants, but on either side of the fireplace were two waterfalls that seemed to just fall from the ceiling toward the floor. The water then just fell through the floor creating the illusion of a never ending waterfall. As they sat down at the long table, Terra noticed Aura sitting on the left of her. As soon as Terra got settled in her chair, she felt Aura start tapping her shoulder franticly. Terra continued to ignore her thinking that Aura just wanted to tease her some more. Suddenly, Terra noticed that Aevum had pulled up the chair on her right and sat down.

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