Chapter 4

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Ustrina just sat there observing the scene that was unfolding before her. She looked over toward the end of the table to see if Gaia and Aion had seen the display she had just witnessed. Instead, she found them talking in hushed voices completely oblivious to what was going on around them. Gaia was usually very strict when it came to the behavior of the elemental spirits. Such a display of behavior should have been punished. This was why Aura had been so nervous around Gaia when she admitted her mistake. Aura knew that Gaia was very strict, but it was very surprising that no punishment had been given. When Gaia did not even bat an eye at Aura for her mistake, Ustrina had felt her blood boil in rage toward Gaia. If it had been her that made a mistake like that Gaia would have punished her. Ustrina tried to calm herself as she glanced over toward Aqua who was sitting in her seat lazily making whirlpools in her drink looking spaced out at usual.

"Aqua!" Ustrina called trying to snap her sister out of her trance. Aqua's drink suddenly stopped and the liquid began to calm down. Aqua slowly looked up at her older sister who gestured for her to scoot closer so they could talk in quietly without disturbing anyone else at the table. "So, what do you think about the meeting we had about the spirit that could overthrow Gaia and Aion?"

"Well, I know it must be happening in the near future since Aion was able to foresee it." Aqua answered coolly as she picked up her fork and began playing with her food. "Too bad he couldn't figure out who it could be so we could stop them."

"Yeah, but when you think about it. Maybe it's another spirits turn to take charge. Maybe there needs to be a new Mother Nature and Father Time. They could be trying to stop the inevitable from happening. I mean they have been in charge for hundreds of years. Maybe it's time for a change and they just don't want that change to come." Ustrina theorized as Aqua stared at her strangely.

"Ustrina, I don't think I would want someone to replace Gaia and Aion even if their time is up. Who could take Gaia's place? I mean she hasn't even picked created a new spirit to take her place as Mother Nature. I know they can be harsh and strict on us, but Gaia is basically our mother. I mean she created us to help Aion and her maintain the balance of the earth." Aqua explained her reasoning as she studied Ustrina curiously. It was not like Ustrina or any spirit to question these types of things especially if it meant the destruction of another spirit.

"What I'm saying is that all things must come to an end at some point. Maybe it's just their time." Ustrina finished as she began to eat her food no longer interested in talking to Aqua about this. Aqua stared at her for a minute then began to eat her food.

Once the feast was over, Aqua made her way over to Terra who was talking with Aura and Aevum still. Aura seemed to be teasing the both of them since both Terra's and Aevum's faces were red with embarrassment. Soon Aqua saw the elf called Aria walk over toward Aura and started talking. Suddenly, they both ran away giggling leaving Terra and Aevum alone in awkward silence. Aqua could see that Aevum wanted to talk to her in private. Heck, she even knew what he wanted to talk to her about. Aura liked to gossip and Aura usually told Aqua everything that was going on. However, this could wait for another time.

"Terra! Wait!" Aqua shouted as she jogged to catch up with the couple. "I really need to talk to you." She finished as both Terra and Aevum turned startled that Aqua had done that. It was very unlike Aqua to shout at all.

"Aqua, what is it?" Terra asked as she looked at her with concern. "Aevum and I were just about to have an important talk."

"You two can discuss your obvious relationship later. I have something way more important to tell you." Aqua whispered as she looked over her shoulder at Ustrina who was looking back at her curiously. "Look I really need to talk to you about the situation Gaia and Aion mentioned in the throne room during the meeting."

"Do you know something about it?" Terra asked Aqua in a worried tone. Aqua nodded and then looked back over at Ustrina who was straining to hear what was being said between them.

"Terra, I am going to attend to my duties. Could you meet me at Father Time's Castle later?" Aevum asked as he held Terra's hand gently.

"Aevum, you don't have to go. I'm sure this won't take long." Terra replied as she held his hand tightly. Aqua looked at the couple impatiently and cleared her throat to get their attention. "I'm sorry, Aqua. Please just one second." Terra said to Aqua who nodded in confirmation.

"Look, I know that this could be very important and I do not want to interrupt your duties." Aevum explained as he looked into her green eyes lovingly. "I want what's best for you and your sisters." He smiled at her then turned to leave. Terra waved goodbye then focused her attention on Aqua who looked really upset.

"Alright,we need to leave." Aqua demanded as she grabbed Terra's arm and dragged hertoward the end of the throne room. She held her turquoise and yellow stonenecklace up in front of the tree knot that resembled the Tree of Life. Suddenly,a waterfall began to fall down the tree till it formed the shape of a door.Aqua quickly dropped her necklace, grabbed the tree knot, and pushed it forwardto cause a split in the waterfall that both of them easily walked through. "Listen,we need to go somewhere else. We can't talk here so we are going need toteleport. Follow me." Aqua told Terra before she disappeared within a mist ofwater. Terra sighed in frustration then teleported after her sisterdisappearing within her own cyclone of dust, leaves, and flowers. 

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