Chapter 6

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"What? How do you know that?" Terra asked baffled.

"I had a vision of her coming and I can sense someone approaching the castle." Aevum sighed. "I guess we will have to hold off on our talk a little bit longer, huh?" Aevum finished as he managed to grin at Terra. Terra had honestly forgotten all about the talk they were supposed to have. She had been preoccupied dealing with the rising threat and her sisters that she had forgotten about Aevum.

"Why don't we talk after we deal with the rising threat?" Terra managed to ask sweetly while listening to the earth for signs of Ustrina's approach. Terra could easily use the plants to listen through them since they were living beings. However, her power was limited by how much distance she could extend her power which wasn't far. Aevum nodded and let the tension leave his shoulders. He was nervous the entire time that Terra had been there and was afraid Terra would reject his feelings. At least he had more time to ready himself when he told Terra how he felt about her. "She's here." Terra stated as she began to make her way down the tower to greet Ustrina. Aevum followed her down the grand staircase and reached the door just in time to hear Ustrina knock on the other side of the door using the heavy metal doorknocker. "I better go now." Terra muttered as she turned to leave.

"Terra, wait!" Aevum called as he ran up to Terra who turned startled to see him racing toward her. "Please be careful." He whispered to her as he embraced her gently. Terra froze for a second and Aevum was worried that she wouldn't return the hug until she finally wrapped her arms around him. He sighed in relief knowing now that this had not been a mistake.

"Don't worry." Terra whispered back. "I will." They let go of each other and said goodbye as Terra walked out the big wooden doors to meet Ustrina who stood on the other side with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Hello, Ustrina." Terra greeted warmly as the doors closed behind her leaving just the two of them standing there.

"Terra," Ustrina greeted back, "I was hoping I could talk to you about something." Thinking back on what Aqua had said about Ustrina, Terra could not help but feel nervous at the moment.

"Sure," Terra managed to answer coolly. "What did you want to talk about?" Ustrina looked around as if she was making sure that no one was around then began to walk away toward the forest.

"We can't talk here. We need to leave." She demanded as Terra began to follow her. Suddenly, Ustrina vanished in a swirling mass of fire. Terra sighed as she realized that Ustrina had meant that they needed to go to her home which she was not excited for.

Terra teleported after Ustrina and landed in the center of her volcanic home. Terra immediately felt the heat of Ustrina's home begin to affect her. They were standing in the middle of a molten lava lake in the center of a volcano. The only thing separating Terra from the lava was the rock that they were both standing on. On the molten rock they were standing on, Terra could see a small brick house in the far corner. It had a few column decorations on with no windows. The best thing about Ustrina's home was the door. The door was a black metal with gray flames circling and swirling all throughout it. However, one could tell that Ustrina did not spend a lot of time in her home. It was really just a place for her to sleep and rest when she needed too. She looked around at the lava and could feel herself starting to get so hot that it was getting difficult for her to breathe.

"Alright," Terra began to pant as she wiped off some sweat that was beginning to bead on her forehead, "what did you want to talk about?"

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