Chapter 5

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Terra opened her eyes and looked around to find they were surrounded by beautiful waterfalls and sparkling rocks. This wonderful paradise was Aqua's home. Aqua's home was located in the depths of a cave in a pine forest near Terra's home. Terra looked up and noticed there was a hole in the top of the cave where they currently were that caused the whole cave to glitter and the wet plant life to almost glow. All around them were waterfalls that seemed to appear out of nowhere that flowed into a lake that almost seemed to surround them. There was an opening near the end of the cave also where sunlight streamed through causing the rocks near the entrance to shimmer.

"Aqua, why are we here?" Terra asked as she admired the lily pads that were floating nearby.

"We couldn't talk at Mother Nature's palace because I didn't want Ustrina to hear what I wanted to talk to you about." Aqua explained as she sat on a nearby bolder.

"Why would you not want Ustrina to hear our conversation?" Terra questioned as she looked at her sister in confusion.

"Well, I am starting to think that the person that what Father Time might have foreseen is actually Ustrina." Aqua confessed as she lowered her head as if she was ashamed that she was actually considering that her sister was the villain that was going to rise in power and destroy Gaia and Aion.

"Wait, what?!" Terra exclaimed in confusion. "Why would you think Ustrina is the threat rising against Gaia and Aion? The threat is also putting us in danger and that includes her. There is no way Ustrina could be the rising threat."

"Well, Ustrina was talking to me at the gathering feast and the way she was talking made me start to think that she could be the threat rising to power." Aqua admitted as she stood up from her rock and began to pace in front of Terra.

"What exactly did she say to you that could possibly make you think that?" Terra asked as she stepped in front of Aqua to stop her pacing. "Also, your pacing is making me dizzy."

"Sorry, but you know I pace when my mind starts racing." Aqua pointed out as she stepped around Terra and resumed her pacing. "But Ustrina was saying something about it being someone else's turn to take charge and maybe it was just their time."

"That does not necessarily mean that she is the threat though." Terra countered as she watched her sister pace around her.

"Terra, I think that you just don't want to admit that the threat could be from our very own sister." Aqua snapped as she stopped her pacing. "We need to confront her about this. She said and I quote 'All things must come to an end at some point. Maybe it's just their time.' Now that to me sounds like a threat and that she could be the very one who is planning to overthrow Gaia and Aion." Terra stared at her sister wide eyed. Aqua was never one to snap like that and that honestly frightened Terra.

"I'll think about it, but do not mention any of this to Aura." Terra retorted as she began to walk away from Aqua.

"Why not?" Aqua questioned causing Terra to stop dead in her tracts. "Don't you think she deserves to know?"

"No," Terra answered harshly, "Because we honestly don't know. You could have just assumed all of this and the real threat could be out there while we are focused on your assumptions." Aqua glared at her sister then softened her gaze as she sighed in defeat.

"Terra, you know I don't actually want to believe that our sister could be the future threat." She explained as Terra felt her frustration begin to lower. Neither of them realized that while they were arguing Terra had caused vines to grow all around them while Aqua had caused the lakes to start rumbling and waving like they would in a storm. "I just want to make sure is all. You didn't hear the conversation she and I had. The way she talked really worried me and I want to make sure my family is safe." The water came to a complete standstill and became peaceful once more. Terra's vines had also calmed down and sank back into the earth leaving Aqua's home looking exactly the way it was when they arrived.

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