Chapter 10

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The fire that was hitting the water made a hissing sound as it caused the water to evaporate into the air. This created a fog that completely hindered Ustrina's vision. Taking advantage of this, Terra quickly fell into the earth then popped out of the ground to find herself right behind Ustrina. She pulled the roots of the earth toward her then wrapped them around Ustrina. The fire she was blowing instantly died and she turned to face Terra. She grinned as she let her body heat rise causing the roots to whither up and fall dead to the ground. Ustrina leap forward and grabbed Terra by the neck then lifted her up into the air. Terra could smell the burning flesh that was coming from the skin on her neck.

"Stop!" Terra heard Aura scream from behind Ustrina. Ustrina did not let go. Instead, she turned around to face Aura while still choking Terra and burning her skin.

"What are you going to do about it little sister?" Ustrina asked menacingly as she threw Terra to the ground so hard a crater formed around her. Before Terra could even gasp for air, Ustrina kicked her hard in the stomach. She then stepped on Terra right wrist and looked at Aura evilly. "Well?" She asked as Aura heard a horrifying cracking noise accompanied by a scream. Aqua and Aura looked at Terra in horror as they saw Ustrina putting all her weight and strength into breaking the bones in Terra's wrist and upper arm.

"Terra!" Both Aura and Aqua screamed. Aura jumped into the wind and flew toward Ustrina as fast as she could. She suddenly thrust her hands forward aiming right at Ustrina. A huge guest of wind threw Ustrina away from Terra and Aura charged Ustrina and grabbing her by the arm. She swung Ustrina around then used the wind to throw her right into the lake of the oasis. Aqua then formed several orbs of water in the air. With the flick of her wrist, the orbs of water formed into spikes then zoomed toward Ustrina. However, Ustrina was quick and was able to dodge each one of them while also charging toward Aqua. As she charged toward Aqua, her fist became outstretched with flames circling around it. Aqua saw this too late and was punched right in the stomach by her flaming fist. Terra had gotten up from the ground and was running toward Aqua to try to help her when Aqua suddenly flew through the air only to land beside her. Terra quickly peered down at Aqua to find her bleeding furiously where Ustrina had punched her. Ustrina looked down at Aqua and Terra who had fallen to the ground in attempt to help Aqua. Ustrina held both her hands up and aimed her palms straight at the two sisters that stared in fear at her. Fire began to swirl around Ustrina as she charged up the now growing fireballs in her hands. Terra closed her eyes and held on to Aqua as she waited for the final blow. Instead, Terra felt a gust of wind that slowly became more powerful and she never felt the fireball hit her. She opened her eyes to see Ustrina trapped in the center of a tornado. Aura was standing behind the tornado in full concentration as she watched Ustrina struggle to break free.

"Terra, I don't know how long I can keep this up." Aqua confessed as she turned to look at Terra in defeat. "I have never used my powers for anything like this. I mean most of the stuff I have done I didn't even know I could do!"

"I know me neither." Terra agreed as they both slowly stood up. Terra looked at Aqua and noticed her condition. "Aqua, maybe you should hide. You're in pretty bad shape."

"I'm in bad shape? Speak for yourself." Aqua countered when she suddenly winced in pain while putting pressure on her wound. "Look it doesn't matter whose hurt worse. We have to stop Ustrina."

"I know, but how are we supposed to do that?" Terra pondered as she eyed Aqua in hopes that she had a plan.

"I don't know." Aqua admitted as she lowered her head in defeat.

"Aqua," Terra began as she put her hand on her shoulder, "we will beat her." She finished with a confidant smile. Aqua looked up at her older sister with a smile and nodded in agreement. At that moment, the tornado that Aura was using to keep Ustrina trapped suddenly started to become a tornado of fire. Before anyone could do anything, one of the branches from the nearby trees flew into the tornado and caught on fire. The branch then shot out and toward Terra and Aqua. Before Terra could even blink, the branch pierced Aqua in her already wounded stomach. Aqua's eyes widened as she looked down at the branch. Terra gasped in horror as she noticed the end of the branch sticking out of Aqua's back. Aqua began to stumble as she slowly began to lose strength in her legs.

"Aqua!" Terra cried as she caught Aqua in her arms. Terra examined the branch trying to figure out if there was any way to get it out. Terra was about to yank it out when Aqua gently put her hand on Terra's to stop her.

"Terra, don't." Aqua whispered. "It's too late."

"No, no, no. It's not too late, Aqua." Terra said frantically as she held her sister in her arms. She could feel the streams of tears gliding down her cheeks as she felt Aqua's blood begin to soak her arms. "Just hold on. We can defeat Ustrina then we can get you to the palace. The elves can help you!"

"Terra, you and I both know that I'm not going to make." Aqua croaked as she reached around her neck and unclasped the necklace that held her elemental stone. "Terra, take my stone. Don't let Ustrina take it." Aqua finished as she handed Terra her stone.

"Aqua, I'm so sorry." Terra whimpered as she accepted the stone.

"It's not your fault, Terra. Just don't let Ustrina take over." Aqua whispered as she felt herself get weaker and weaker by the minute.

"Don't worry. I will stop Ustrina." Terra affirmed as she felt Aqua get colder and colder.

"Terra, I know I'm not really the most emotional person and I that often don't express my feelings, but I really do love you and Aura." Aqua confessed as she let the tears she was holding back flow down her face. "I will miss you guys." Aqua cried as she looked into Terra's own tear filled eyes. "Tell Aura I love her."

"I will tell Aura what you said. I love you too, Aqua, and I'll miss you." Terra stumbled over the words as she tried to talk without crying again. Aqua smiled at her brave older sister then closed her eyes never to open them again. Terra finally pulled out the branch and laid her sister gently on the ground. She kissed the top of her head then stood up. She watched as Aqua's body began to sink into the ground turning into water that formed a puddle. The puddle then quickly evaporated into the air turning into mist as it floated higher and higher until Terra could see it no more.

"Goodbye, Aqua." Terra whispered as she wiped the stray tears that had fallen from her face and looked toward the tornado of flames. "I will stop you, Ustrina."

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