Chapter 19

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As Terra and Aevum got closer to the thrones, they realized that the thrones themselves were actually glowing. "Why are they glowing like this?" Terra asked as she inspected the thrones closely.

"They are glowing because the Earth needs to be a proper ceremony for the new Mother Nature and Father Time. The ceremony must be performed so the Earth can accept a new Mother Nature and Father Time to replace the ones it's lost." A voice answered from behind Terra and Aevum. They quickly turned around as the room slowly lite to reveal all the elves standing in front of them. Terra noticed that Aria was standing a few steps in front of everyone indicating that she was the one who had spoken. "If we don't do this than the rotation of time and nature will start to falter. I don't notice if you have noticed, but the elves have already seen unnatural occurrences in nature and time."

"Like what?" Terra asked in confusion. She had been so wrapped up in her research that she had not paid any attention to anything else.

"Well, the weather has been very erratic. It snowed in the desert yesterday. It only happened for a few minutes, but that was enough for us to notice a problem. There has also been a problem with the time the sun usually rises and falls. We think this may be a result of the faltering rotation of time." Aria explained as Terra looked at her in surprise. How could she have not noticed any of these problems? She glanced over at Aevum who bared a similar expression. She could only guess that he was thinking the same thing as her.

"Well, then how are we supposed to perform the ceremony?" Aevum asked as he crossed his arms. "We already have the powers of nature and time so there can't be a passing of powers ceremony."

"We could still have the crowning ceremony. Maybe the Earth will just accept them as the new rulers." Tathaln replied from the crowd.

"It doesn't work like that. The Earth needs a proclamation of power. That's why a passing of powers is always performed during the ceremony to allow the Earth know who is in charge of nature and time." Renna the medical elf announced from the far right of the crowd of elves who agreed at her statement. The elves continued to discuss different ideas to try to complete the ceremony, but everything they suggested was just not right for the ceremony. Terra then reached for the small satchel that she carried and looked inside. The elemental of earth, water, and air were nestled safely inside. Terra then placed each of them in the palm of her hand the walked forward to face the crowd of confused elves.

"I know what we can do to complete the ceremony." Terra's voice rang throughout the hall grabbing everyone's attention causing them to be quiet and listen to what their new leader had to say. "I have decided to release the elements back to the earth. I believe that if we perform this with the crowning it will work as part of the passing of powers part ceremony."

"Are you sure this will work?" Aria asked as the elves looked at Terra questioningly waiting for a reply. Terra looked at the stones in her hand then back up at the waiting crowd trying to come up with an answer.

"No," Terra stated bluntly as a few elves gasped at the answer. "But I believe that it might work since we are technically passing the elements powers back to the earth."

"Well, it's the only plan we've got so it's worth a shot." Aevum declared as the elves cheered and began preparing for the ceremony.

The elves quickly moved the glowing thrones outside and began to set up for the ceremony that would be taking place outside. Terra and Aevum quickly made their way outside to help the elves prepare. After a while, the entire area where the ceremony was to take place was ready. The thrones were placed in front of the Tree of Life with a trail of flower petals leading up to them. Small pillars with hourglasses were also placed on either side of the petal trail to symbolize Father Time. Vines of green ivy connected to each pillar with delicate leaves growing off them. The area around the thrones was decorated with tons of bushes and flowers dusted with a light coating of sand that shimmered in the sunlight. In front of the thrones, was a small table that held the three elements for the passing of powers part of the ceremony. Aevum and Terra stood at the beginning of the flower petal path listening to the elves playing their enchanting music. "Are you two ready?" Aria asked as she approached them. Aria had made sure that they changed outfits for the ceremony. Aevum was now wearing one of Aion's suits of armor that he used to always wear and was carrying the Time Staff in his right hand. His other arm was linked with Terra's who was also wearing a new dress. The dress she wore now was a green, strapless ball gown with several layers dusted with sparkling Time Sand that Aevum added just for her.

"We are ready." Aevum answered before Terra could. Aria nodded and walked off to prepare for the ceremony. Terra looked up at Aevum and frowned. "What?" Aevum asked when he noticed the look on Terra's face.

"I'm not ready." Terra confessed as she let her gaze wonder toward the table the elemental stones were waiting for her to release them.

"What?" Aevum sputtered confused. "This was your idea though. How could you not be ready?"

"My idea was only a theory." Terra explained knowingly. "I don't actually know if it's going to suffice for the ceremony."

"I know, but it's all we've got to go on." Aevum sighed as he thought about what was to come. "We have to perform this ceremony though. If we don't try we could risk everything we know becoming unbalanced."

"Your right." Terra agreed as she looked up at Aevum with a new determination in her green eyes. "The earth depends on us to keep it balanced."

Suddenly, the music changed signaling their cue to make their way down the aisle of pillars. As they walked gracefully down the trail of petals, they could see the elves gathered around them watching their new Father Time and Mother Nature fondly. Terra noticed that instead of the elves traditional clothes that they usually wore they were now wearing formal clothing fit for the ceremony they were helping perform. As Aevum and Terra approached the table, they unlinked arms and Aevum allowed Terra to step forward on her own for this was something that only she could do. Terra stared at the three elemental stones that sat on the table before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. Aevum watched as the sky around them suddenly darkened almost as if it was going to storm. That was when a beam of light shot from the sky and landed around Terra and the stones causing the stones to levitate off the table and start spinning in a clockwise rotation. As this was happening, Terra's eye's suddenly shot open revealing orbs of light that causing the very earth itself to freeze. 

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