Chapter 9

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Terra appeared at her home a short time later trying to figure out how exactly she was supposed to find Aura so she could confront her. Aura was not one to stay in one place for too long and, as far as Terra knew, Aura had not established a permanent home. Terra made her way outside after she prepared to leave in search of Aura. However, as soon as she opened her door and stepped outside she saw Aura appear in the meadow.

"Terra!" Aura yelled as she quickly used the wind to fly toward her. She landed in front of Terra stumbling slightly. "Terra! I need your help!"

"Aura? What's wrong?" Terra asked completely diminishing any thoughts of her being the threat.

"It's Aqua! She is hurt really bad and I don't know what to do!" Aura cried as she motioned for her to follow. "I wasn't able to bring her here so she told me to come get you!" Aura then quickly disappeared with Terra teleporting after her.

Terra soon found herself standing in the middle of the desert. She found it strange that both Aura and Aqua were here. If anything this was the worst place for any of them to be since it was not a place where their elements could thrive.

"Aura?" Terra called out as she looked around for her sister remembering why she was there in the first place.

"Terra! This way!" Aura waved as she took off toward a small oasis. Terra took a deep breath and began to make her way over. She looked around for anything suspicious knowing that she needed to be careful. She still did not know who the threat was and for all she knew, Aura could be the threat. For all she knew, Aura could be leading her into a trap.

"Aura?" Terra called out cautiously as she entered the small oasis. She looked around to find the oasis was just a small lake with trees and bushes surrounding it. Then she noticed a figure lying down by the lake. Terra approached it slowly until she found the figure was Aqua. "Aqua!" Terra cried as she ran to her badly injured sister. She quickly fell to her knees and cradled her sister in her arms. Her whole body was littered with burns, cuts, and bruises. It looked as if she had beaten to a pulp. Her eyes began to flutter open. She gasped and tried to get away from Terra until she realized who she was.

"Terra?" Aqua croaked out in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Aqua, it's me. Don't worry I will get you out of here." Terra reassured as she began to gently help Aqua sit up.

"Terra, where is Aura?" Aqua asked in a raspy voice. Terra paused and thought for a minute. Where was Aura?

"I don't know. She actually led me here, but I don't know where she went." Terra admitted as she looked around for Aura. "Does she have anything to with what happened to you?"

"Actually she doesn't." A new voice sounded from behind Terra and Aqua. Terra slowly turned her head to see who this familiar voice belonged to.

"Ustrina?" Terra questioned as she slowly stood up after making sure Aqua was okay. Aqua also began to stand up with the help of Terra.

"What do you mean?" Terra question as she still could see no sign of Aura.

"Terra, Terra, Terra, you haven't figured it out?" Ustrina questioned as she took a few steps closer toward them.

"Terra, it was her. She did this to me and destroyed my home." Aqua accused as she pointed at Ustrina with a glare. "She left me in the middle of the desert and if Aura hadn't of come along and brought me to this oasis I would have perished. Where is Aura?" Aqua questioned as she glared at Ustrina.

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