Chapter One

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A/N: Ok so here is the first chapter. Its a little short but I didn't want to make the first chapter long. I hope you guys enjoy it and if you do comment and leave a little comment about what you think will happen next. ^_^ -wolfstar18

My heart was pounding, they were getting closer. So much for a peaceful walk. Their snarls grew louder and I let out a cry. I could feel their hot breath on my back and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I wondered how I could have gotten myself into this mess. Like it was just a short walk and here I am with these massive things after me. One of the dirty wolves swiped at my legs and I fell to the ground. I landed hard against a rock and pain shot through me. I couldn't move or breathe all I could do was think about the pain radiating through me.

Their stench was horrid and their breath made it worse. I pushed myself to a sitting position but the big wolf in front of me smacked me in the face with his claws. I screamed as pain erupted through my face. What had I done to upset these creatures? Did they have a den of pups nearby?

As they came closer, an earth shattering growl silenced everything. The wolves around me turned to see the owner of the growl and tensed. There behind them stood a giant white wolf. He was gorgeous. His fur was clean and pure looking. His eyes were a golden brown and there were black speckles peppering his snout that made him look even more mesmerizing. Behind him stood more wolves but they couldn't compare to the white one.

Suddenly, I was pushed to the ground by the wolf who attacked me. His disgusting paw pushed down on my chest and his claws extended. One rested against my throat causing me to panic. I cried out from the pain in my back and from the pressure on my chest. I was going to die here because I wanted to go for a walk.

Another growl from the white wolf sent the ones behind him running. The wolf on top of me and his pack took off with the other pack streaming after them. I lay there coughing, hoping to just be left alone. But I felt his nose sniffing my feet, then my pants and shirt. He stopped at my face. He sniffed my wound before letting out a low whine. The pain was beginning to be too much.

"" I whimpered before slipping into darkness.

I didn't know how long I had been out or if I was even alive. I shifted and winced. Yup, I was still alive. It was hard to open my eyes but when I did, I found myself in a hospital room. The door was slightly ajar, letting in some faint light. The beeping monitor was giving me a headache and I wanted nothing more than a glass of water. I could probably go for some food too.

I shifted my head and gasped. In the chair next to my bed was a man. His head was bowed and I could hear his steady heavy breathing.

Who was this man and why was he here next to my bed? I slowly sat up and swung my legs off the other side. I removed the wires connected to my body but left the IV in my hand. It was disconnected anyways. I got to my feet and padded out of the room and down the hallway. It was a strange hall. It looked like it belonged in a manor, not a hospital. The walls were a rich dark wood and the floors were covered in soft carpet. Pictures hung on the walls and little tables with plants or lamps decorated the sides. The pulled shades looked like they were very expensive and even the ceiling had fancy molding and stuff like that. Where was I?

I was so caught up in the interior decorations I didn't notice the faint whispers and when I rounded the corner, I was met by two guys chatting. When they turned and saw me, both their eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What are you doing out of bed, little Luna?" Asked the one. He had an easy going vide about him. But his companion was more uptight.

"Does Alpha Logan know you're out and about?" He asked, crossing his arms. Then suddenly their expressions went blank but as soon as it happened they sharpened again. "That'd be a no."

The uptight one went to make a grab at me but I bolted the other way. My body ached as I ran but I was not going to slow down. At least I hope I wouldn't.

"Little Luna! Wait!" I heard the first guy call.

I ran down another hall hoping I was going the right way. I could hear them gaining on me and unfortunately my legs started to cramp up. When I rounded another corner, I slid on the now hardwood floor. I slammed into the wall and groaned. More pain washed through me as I slid to the floor. I couldn't get myself to get up. I had no strength left in me. Panting in the corner, I watched the two guys and the one from earlier running towards me. Tears slipped down my cheeks causing my injured one to sting.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted as all three came near me. They were fast. Much faster than any other person I've ever seen. The two I ran into earlier stationed themselves on both sides of me and the man who had been asleep came straight towards me. Even in the dim light, I could tell he was very handsome. Something in me told me I could trust him but that was being stupid. These people have me captive here. Granted I was injured, but I should be in a hospital not in their home. "Go away!"

"Its ok, little Luna. We just want to make sure you heal. You running around like this won't help." The man on my left said. I think he was trying to calm me down but that only made me tense more.

"No!" I said trying to back myself into the corner even more. The guy in front of me was silent and it unnerved me. His eyes were a golden brown and I thought for sure I had seen them somewhere before. His face was calm and he approached me as if I was a scared animal. He was getting too close! I couldn't go either way. This guy's two friends were blocking both escape routes. "Please, no."

His eyes changed. Instead of having a calming feel to them, they looked sad. Like my words had just broken his heart.

"We aren't going to hurt you. Alpha Logan only wants to take you back to your room so the doctor can look at you. Make sure everything is healing." The guy on my right said calmingly.

I was distracted by his words and the guy in front of me took the chance to grab my arms. I let out a scream and tried yanking myself away. It felt like electricity was running through my body and I couldn't tell if I liked it or not. It was most likely being caused by the pain in my back. The man in front of me scooped me up into his arms and started carrying me back to that room.

I was momentarily shocked that he could lift me so effortlessly. I wasn't skinny. I was curvier than anything. I wasn't too overweight but I certainly wasn't a small or a medium. I felt self-conscious about him carrying me and I yelled at myself for thinking that stuff when I should be fighting him. I don't know if it was the way he rubbed soothing circles into my sides or if it was the faint sound of his heart beating. But I let him carry me without resistance.   

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