Chapter Seven

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After the whole Alpha Colton incident, Logan wanted to go home and enjoy a movie. He agreed to let me choose a movie from the cabinets when we got home. I paused at thinking about that place as home. But if I stayed then it would be home. When we pulled into the driveway, there was another car there. I bristled. Was it Alpha Colton again? But Logan jumped out of the car and zoomed into the house.

I got out and heard a loud squeal. I jumped back as a blue-haired girl leapt from the top step of the porch. She landed gracefully and bolted towards me. She slammed into me with a thud and hugged me tightly.

"NO WAY! MY BRO FOUND HIS MATE!" the girl squealed. I stood there shocked and somewhat in pain. Logan looked pointedly at her and she immediately let go. "I'm so sorry! My name is Caitlin but everyone calls me Cat. Kinda ironic no?"

"What do you mean?" I asked a little confused.

"Because I'm a werewolf named Cat." She laughed. I smiled and took a good look at her. She had short pixie hair cut with bangs that swept off to the side. I also noticed her hair looked more black until the sun hit it making it look velvety. She had a doll face and was about my height. Her eyes held mischief and I immediately liked her. She had this warmness to her that just made me feel comfortable.

"My name is Zoe, nice to meet you." I smiled again.

"I think we're going to be best friends! Logan definitely found a good catch." She hugged me again.

"Uh, thank you." I said looking away. Logan was standing on the porch watching us. "Uh, we're about to watch a movie, wanna join?" I asked looking back at her.

"If it's one of my brother's favorite movies, Hell no. What did you have in mind?" She asked linking our arms together.

"Fiddler on the Roof maybe or Rent?" I said more as a question. Cat stopped and bent over. I wondered if she was alright and when she righted herself she had a huge smile on her face.

"I freaking love you!" She dragged me the rest of the way and we settled on Fiddler. Logan fell asleep halfway through the movie so it was just Cat and I watching. I could hear her sing along to the music. She was pretty good.

Once the movie ended it was getting close to supper time. I could hear people in the kitchen getting things started and wondered if Logan had personal chefs or something. 

"So how did you two meet?" Cat asked hugging a pillow.

"Uh, well he actually saved me from rogues." I said thinking back to just a few days ago. "If it wasn't for him I'd be dog food."

"That's so amazing! Was it love at first sight?" she asked leaning forward.

"I feel stuff for him but, I wouldn't call it love." I blushing.

"Dude! You're totally in love!" She cooed. "How long have you been here? I've been traveling for a bit so I'm out of the loop."

"A few days. I was injured pretty badly so I've been here recuperating. Logan and I agreed to give this mate thing a week. If it doesn't work I'm free to go home." I said picking fuzzies off my socks.

"I don't smell your wolf but since Logan's your mate, you have to be a werewolf." she said looking me over.

"My wolf is locked inside me. I grew up in a human world and repressed my wolf for so long. I'm still new to all this." I said waving my hands around. Logan snored loudly and it sent goose bumps up my body. Even if it wasn't his voice, it was a noise from the mute alpha. (See what I did there XD). "Part of me still thinks I'm going crazy.

"I won't lie, I don't really understand how you feel but I do know when Logan puts his mind to something he thinks of nothing else. He'll show you that all of this is real and that you are a art of it." Cat smiled looking at her brother. His arm slipped off the couch and hung there.

"So with all this traveling, have you found your mate?" I asked, dragging my eyes away from him to Cat. She shrugged.

"Nah, I'm just chilling. I'd rather travel and sing than be at home cooking and cleaning." She said pushing the bangs out of her eyes.

"What places have you seen? I always wanted to visit England." I said leaning back into the couch.

"Oh that place is awesome! Just make sure to bring an umbrella." Cat laughed. "I've been almost everywhere."

We talked about places she's seen and the places we wanted to go to. So fat Cat was someone I could be myself around. I felt comfortable with her. I wondered where the rest of Logan's and Caitlin's family was. Were they still around or did something happen? I didn't want to bring it up around Cat just in case it upset her. I would ask Logan about it maybe after dinner.

"Ugh can that food be done now? I'm starving!" She said getting up off the floor. "I'm going to see if they have any food ready. Wanna come?"

I looked at Logan and knew he'd be worried if he woke up and I was gone. "Nah I'll wait for Logan to wake up."

"Alright, but I eat like I haven't been fed for days so don't blame me if there's no food left." She cooed as she slipped into the kitchen. I sighed. Day one was almost up and I knew as each day passed war came closer. I could already feel myself getting attached to this place.

I thought about my little apartment above the shop I worked for. The owner had gotten a new house and rented their old place out to me. I thought about the water stained ceilings and the smoke-yellowed walls. Did I really want to go back there? After spending some time in this beautiful home? I felt spoiled being here. Something I hadn't felt in a long, long time.

I blinked as a memory popped into my head. It was of my father. It was Christmas time, I think, and we were at a party. He held me on his shoulders as he walked through the crowded room.

"But I'm not sleepy!" I had protested.

"If you stay up, Santa won't come." He laughed.

"But no one else is going to sleep."

"Santa only comes for the kids, not us old people." I had whimpered and my dad sighed. "Don't tell you mother, but I'll let you open one gift tonight. But after that, you must go to sleep."

I giggled and agreed. We went up to my room and I sat on my bed as I waited for my dad to bring me my present. He knelt down in front of me and held out a small box. I squealed and snatched in up. When I opened the box, my eyes widened. It was a necklace with a wolf pendent on the chain. The wolf's eyes and nose were made out of diamonds and I absolutely loved it.

The memory faded as fast as it had popped up. My hand went straight to my neck to the old pendent. I knew it was from my life before foster care but I hadn't realized it was a gift from my father.

"For my little wolf princess." I muttered the words my father had said to me. I felt an arm wrap around me and then an arm under my legs as Logan lifted me into his lap. He wiped the tears from my cheeks, being extra careful with my injured one, as I sniffed. When did I start crying? Logan looked at me and I couldn't meet it. I hadn't had a memory of my parents in years. I use to when I was a kid but just like with my wolf, I would repress the memories so I didn't have to hurt anymore.

"A memory of my dad came to mind." I mumbled. Logan hugged me tightly and I reflexively laid my head against his shoulder. It felt nice to be comforted by someone. A little strange but otherwise nice. Logan placed something small in my hand and I looked down to see what it was.

Do you want to talk about it?

"No, I'll be fine." I said wiping away the tears. "Let's go see if the food is ready."

Ok so Caitlin is our new character!! She's based off a real friend of mine with a few twerks here and there. She's one of my best friends and is the reason I'm updating weekly instead of whenever I feel like it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Chapter 8 is going to be a said one. Have a good night and don't forget to vote and share!!! -Wolfstar18



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