Chapter six

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After going to a cute little café for breakfast, Logan took me to what looked like a football field with loads of equipment laying everywhere. Men and women were everywhere either fighting or using the equipment. Tanner came jogging up at the sight of us and bowed.

"Alpha, Luna, welcome!" He said smiling. "This is our training area. We train here everyday. Everyone from men to women. From the time they first shift to the age of 55."

"So this is where you go to strengthen your wolf?" I asked looking between Logan and Tanner. Logan nodded before looking over at Tanner.

"So they all train for what? Sport or is it just in case of attacks?" I asked watching two women duke it out.

"Mainly for preparations of an attack but just like in the animal kingdom, when a female is involved, things become more dominance related." Tanner said as we watched two young boys fighting with a young girl watching and giggling.

"Don't they have mates? They seem to act just like human boys when they see a pretty girl." I asked. I thought mates were supposed to be this special person.

"They're too young for mates. They haven't reached the age of 18 yet. Until then, they try to show dominance." Tanner laughed, watching the boys tumble in the dirt. "They'll learn soon enough that's not always the best idea."

"What do you mean?" I asked watching Logan stride out to them. "What is he....?"

"Just watch." Tanner smirked. Logan let out a growl and both boys jumped up. They both put their heads low and shrunk back from the Alpha. Even the girl had her head low.

I snorted in laughter as Logan got into a fighting stance and encouraged the boys to try their best. After a moment of hesitation they copied Logan. For a moment they just stood there watching each other but then Logan leapt for the smaller of the two boys. They tumbled to the side and the girl gasped. The other boy sprung at Logan to help his friend out but was swatted away.

To his credit the boy under Logan fought hard and was keeping him at bay. But then I saw Logan hesitate and I knew he was holding back. The other boy jumped on Logan and they rolled off to the side. The other boy scrambled to his feet and went to help his friend. This continued for a few minutes.

"I think he's trying to show off to his mate more than to put those boys in their place." Tanner laughed.

"I'm not impressed." I yawned. Tanner snorted as Logan twisted around to look at me. I snickered but looked down at my nails. I heard a growl and looked up to see Logan prowling towards me. I started backing away but tripped over something. It was equipment! I was still sore from the days before and my movements were slower than normal.

Logan pounced and smothered me under him. I laughed and pushed at his chest. Logan was heavy but I knew he was keeping most of his weight off me. His fingers ran up my sides and I shrieked in laughter. I pounded on his chest but he didn't stop.

"Logan! I can't breathe!" I cackled. I gasped for air as he continued to tickle me.

"So this is how I am greeted by the second most powerful Alpha in North America?" A deep voice boomed. Logan tensed and lifted his head. I looked up to see an upside down man glaring at us.

"Alpha Colton, if we'd known, there would have been a celebration!" Tanner bowed.

Logan stood up and helped me to my feel. He guided me to Tanner before walking over to mind link the new alpha. After a moment of silence Alpha Colton growled.

"I don't care! You should have sensed my pack and I as soon as we stepped foot on your lands. Have you lost your mind over this pathetic human girl? A rogue attack could have happened and you would have been here on the ground with that." The man growled as he pointed to me. Ouch much?

Logan snarled when Alpha Colton pointed at me. He looked at the alpha with an intensity that made even me shrink away. But the older alpha stayed put and glared back. Tanner tugged me a little ways back and whispered in my ear, "He's telling him how disrespectful he is being to the future luna of our pack."

"She's human. There's no way on earth she will ever be a luna. We had a contract! Your birthday passed two weeks ago. You're too late." The alpha growled and held out a folded piece of paper.

"Now wait a minute! He found his mate.  You can't expect him to be able to just giver her up after looking for so long!" Tanner said pushing me behind him.

"Was I talking to you runt?" The alpha growled. He stalked towards Tanner. I bristled as Tanner pushed me out of the way just in time for the alpha to punch him in the face. I landed hard and cried out as pain erupted through my already sore body. "Just remember Alpha Logan, my pack is stronger than yours. Our numbers exceed yours. You have a week to decide whether its war or peace."

When he said war his eyes hardened on mine. I couldn't help but feel like I knew him. He was so familiar. Was he someone who came into my work?

Logan growled and watched him walk away. Then he was by my side helping me to my feet. We rushed to Tanner who was still on the ground rubbing his cheek.

"Are you ok?" I asked as we pulled him to his feet.

"Ya, just ticked off." He growled.

"Logan, you made a deal with him?" I looked at him feeling surprisingly hurt. Couldn't he have waited for us?   My eyes widened when that thought popped into my head. Where did that come from?

"He says, that he was desperate. He passed the age an alpha should have found his mate and he wanted to find you. So he made an agreement that after his 25th birthday if he hadn't found his mate he would marry a neighboring pack's future luna." Tanner translated.

"That still doesn't explain why he sighed the agreement." I said still looking at him.

"During that time our pack was being threatened by Alpha Colton's. Logan tried everything in his power to be a strong leader but without a mate he couldn't use his full potential. Alpha Colton took advantage of it. He said that Logan either sign the agreement or war would ensue. He did it to save his pack." Tanner said.

"You knew about this and yet still made an agreement with me?" I asked backing away from him. "When were you going to tell me?"

Tanner paused waiting for Logan to speak. But when nothing was said I gulped down the knot forming in my throat.

"You weren't going to tell me were you?" I said realizing what he was going to do. "You were going to try and win me over and then what? Go to war? Where would that leave me? If you got yourself killed? And if the mate bond is just as strong as you've claimed it to be? I would have died inside!"

He made a few steps for me before I could turn away. His arm wrapped around my waist as his other hand grabbed my wrist.

"He wasn't going to leave it like that. He planned to tell you but not on the first day you two were to spend together. He wanted to make sure you'd stay before trying to explain the situation in the pack lands." Tanner said rushingly.

"Yet I find out that you have to choose between me with the possibility of war or another girl with the possibility of peace. The pack will want peace." I said looking at his eyes.

"It's not their choice to make." Tanner translated. I matched Logan's stare but he wasn't going to explain more. I could already feel the bond tugging me towards forgiveness. I sighed.

"You better have a good battle plan because I'm not going to let you waltz into battle with nothing." I growled and pulled my hand free. Logan smiled and nodded before letting me go. I swear being that close to him was dangerous.

Sorry the Update is so late. My family and I welcomed a new member to the family. His name is Trico and he's a 10 week old shih Tzu. he's a sweet spunky little dog and I have been so busy with him that I forgot to update so as a little treat for you guys I'm doing a double update this week. One tonight and one on Thursday.  (That's my next day off) so I hope you enjoy this and the new character is coming in on Thursday. -wolfstar18

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