Chapter Two

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When we were back in the room the two guys stayed outside. The man holding me placed me on the bed silently and took a seat. He looked concerned over me and it was probably because he though I was a nut job.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" I asked. His lips formed a sad line and he looked away. Was he not going to answer me? "Please, I just want to go home. I thank you for your hospitality but I have a job and people who depend on me. I can't stay here."

He didn't answer again and I was beginning to get frustrated. Was I not worthy enough to get an answer from him?

"Please, answer me." I sniffed. Angry tears slid down my cheeks and this time I ignored the sting. "Is it because I went nuts in the hall? How would you react?"

He turned and looked at me. His expression was frantic and searched around for something. Was he seriously going to ignore me even now?

"You just drag me off to some room and then ignore me. That has to be one of the rudest things I've ever seen. And I lived in a foster home!" I said swiping at my tears.

"He's not ignoring you." Someone said from the doorway. My head zipped around to see a man in a long coat walking in. He looked to be around the age of 70 and I wondered if he was the doctor.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"Our dear Alpha Logan is mute. Has been since the day he turned 10." The doctor said shimmying out of his coat and washing his hands. I turned to face Alpha Logan but he wouldn't meet my gaze.

"I'm so sorry, Alpha." I bowed my head in shame. The poor guy can't answer me, not because he doesn't want to but because he can't. I felt like a jerk for getting so upset. My emotions were fried and clearly I needed to chill.

"Now, let's check those injuries." The doctor came over and removed the bandage that was on my cheek. From what I could tell from the bandage, it was still bleeding. I knew it would scar up once it healed. After replacing the bandage, the doctor moved onto my back. He prodded it until he got to about the mid part of my back where I hissed in pain. He slowly lifted my shirt up and made a low sound through his nose. "Well, there is a mighty big bruise on your back and your cheek is still bleeding. I recommend cleaning and changing the bandage every couple of hours and as for your back..."

He paused and started thinking.

"As for that try to keep movement in it but don't over tax yourself. We don't want it to lock up but we don't want to strain it. I'll give you some things to do to keep it loose in the morning. As for the rest of tonight, I'm going to give you a pain reducer. It'll make you sleep but rest is what you need right now. Do you have any questions, Logan?"

Logan was silent as he looked at the doctor.

"She'll sleep until morning, by then the nurse will be there to help her with her morning routine." The doctor said as if Alpha had said anything. The doctor when to a cabinet and pulled out a syringe. He unwrapped it and came over. I thought he was going to stick me with it but he took the IV in my hand and injected it through there. It wasn't long before I felt my body relaxing.

"I want to go home." I whispered as my eyes grew heavy and my mind blanking. I felt a warm hand cover mine before I gave into sleep.

In the morning, my head was fuzzy and I felt disoriented. A woman who was maybe in her 40s was carrying in a tray food. She smiled at me warmly and placed a tray on the bedside table.

"Good morning Luna, my name is Ezzy and I'll be your nurse for the time being. We didn't know what you'd like to eat so we made you some eggs and bacon." She took the lid off the tray revealing the piled high plate of bacon and eggs. My eyes widened at the sight and I looked at her.

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