Chance Encounters
Author - @haven84
Synopsis -
In the quiet town of Blue Ridge Summit, people live normal lives. They go to work, hang out with friends, and try to remember to pay the light bill on time. And they are completely unaware of the town's residents who aren't completely human.
The Blue Ridge Pack isn't large, or powerful. It's members are a group of lifelong friends who have decided to make their own way.
Fate has a way of intercepting our best laid out plans. Fate has decided that two people, unlikely to have anything in common, should find common ground.
Fate doesn't work only for the good, however, and chance encounters don't always bring a new ally.
Review -
Well just with the synopsis I am intrigued, I know I mentioned the synopsis being one of you problems in The First 30 Days review, but you nailed it with this one.
It hints a mystery it intrigues the reader without giving very many details about the actual story. It leaves you asking questions, what does fate have in store? Among others.
Your first chapter opens up with an absolutely normal day for your mc, finishing a book, then going to tending to the chores. Then ends off with an well thought out cliff hanger.
She lives in the middle of nowhere, and her dog senses someone's presence. Not even seeing the person she is able to identify who it is. Leaving the reading wanting more, having to know who was watching her.
You were able to set the scene without causing the story to be boring and repetitive, quickly getting to what I assume is a major conflict in the MC's life.
Also I loved how you had Elizabeth have an internal monologue, it really added some depth to her character. It gave her a sense of realism, something I think a lot of readers could relate to.
Most writers leave out what their characters are thinking and just focus on what they are doing, you managed to balance out the two well.
I remember you saying that Chance Encounters is your first work, while most first novels are choppy and not well put together it seems to me that you created a rare well written first book.
While I didn't read much of Chance Encounters I assure you that I will finish, whenever time allows, and suggest it to friends as well.
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