Part One

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     "I want you to Stayyyyyyy!" I blasted my music out my Porche's speakers while i drove to my friend Shay's house. Ugh her front gate was closed.

     "Bitch open the gate!" I said into my iphone. I heard her chuckle and the gate opened.  I'm Raegan by the way. Im sixteen and I live in Los Angeles with my aunt, uncle, and cousins Trey and Baily. Im blonde and okay looking i guess. If you cant already tell, im ppretty damn rich and i have damn rich friends. They call me a bitch but so what if i am. none of them really know me anyway. Im a generally gaurded person. I dont talk about my childhood. Thats a closed door. No entry. No.Damn.Way.

     "Hey Raegan!" My best friend Shay opened her front doors. "Hayyyy!" I said back giving her a quick hug. "I can oly stay like 30 minutes. My aunt is making me take Baily to some concert tonight."

     "Oh what band?" Shay asked looking through my shopping bags i had brought in from my recent shopping spree.

     "Some not very well known boy band... what is it... 5... 5 Seconds of Summer i think." I said. Shay made a face. Shay and I dont really do the whole boy band thang. We prefer punk rock and alternative. 

     "Ew that sucks."

     "I know right... Wait what time is it?" I asked her.


     "Shittt!! I havta be at the concert by 7! Bye Shay i'll text ya later!" I yelled as i ran out to my car. I drove (wayyyy too fast) to my house. My cousind Baily, shes 16, waited patiently by the door. Baily and I are like sisters. I love her to death. One of our only differences is our taste in music.

     "Come on Bails! Get in the car we gotta go!" I called to her from my car. I quickly put the top up so  the wind wouldnt mess up Bailys hair. It looked liked she had been getting ready for hours. She is a blonde like mine and so pretty. Me, i looked okay i guess. My hair was straightened and I had normal makeup on. A pair of black skinny jeans i had baught today and a nirvana teeshirt with black heels i had also baught and slipped on to look a little more dressed up. Not my usual concert outfit but i had no time to get ready. I looked punk so i didnt really care.

     "How do i look??" Baily asked quickly as she hopped into the passenger side and we drove off.

     "Great!" I smiled and we turned up the radio. 

     "You got the tickets?" I ask her as we park and hurry towards the doors of the place. There were fan girls crowded and screaming in front of the doors. We have front row tickets my Aunt had baught months before so thy let us right in. Baily basically dragged me to our seats. The lights dimmed. 

     "HELLO L.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" An austrailian accent shouted into the mic. I looked up at the stage. it was the drummer. I had never heard of this band so i dont even know their names. The bassist came out. Then the guitarist with insanely colored hair. Then... the singer. He was really tall, and had tan skin and his hair was all styled in a quiff. He was wearing a nirvana shirt just like me. His voice was gorgeous. I was standing right in front of him. I found myself smiling at him like such a little school girl dork. Then he winked. He WINKED AT ME. WTF why am i so happy? This is some stupid boy band with amazing music and some hot boys... ugh. I dont do boy bands... More importantly I dont do their members.


     "Wow! That was amazing!" Baily said to me excitedly after the concert ended. We were waiting for the stadium to clear out a little more before we left our seats. Just as we weer standing up to leave i felt a tap on my shoulder.

     "Miss?" I turned around and saw a very large, slightly scary, security gaurd standign over Baily and me.

     "Yes?" I squeaked. I shot Baily a "Holy shit what did you do!?" look.

     "We have some people who are interested in meeting you. Come with me. Both of you." We quickly followed. Baily was gripping my hand as we followed this giant security gaurd into a hallway. In front of us was an unmarked door. He banged on it. 

     "Go head in." the man said to us. he walked away. Baily and I exchanged nervous glances as i open the door. We stepped inside to see 5 Seconds of Summer chilling in their dressing room. The tall singer jumped up and walked over to us, smiling. The rest of the boys followed. The one with the crazy hair winked and smirked at Baily. She giggled. 

     "Hey. We saw you in the front row of our show. You guys looked into the music so we just wanted to say hey." The tall singer said to me. He was so cute. He had light pink lips and a tall toned body. The bassist chuckled at what the singer said.

     "More like Luke and Michael thought you guys were pretty so they wanted to meet you." He joked with the drummer. The two boys who i guess were Michael and Luke shot the two other boys daggers.

     "Well what are your names? Since you know who we are." The crazy haird guitarist asked. Baily was about to answer but i spoke first.

     "Oh i dont know who you are." I said quickly. "I was just taking my cousin, Baily, to see you guys." I pointed to Baily who was staring at the colorful haird boy. He was staring back.

     "Oh... Well im Luke Hemmings. This is Michael. And thats Ashton and Calum." He introduced everyone. I smiled at them all.

     "So Baily, your a fan huh?" Michael asked Baily. "Whos your favorite member?' He said, winking.

     "Oh umm... Iv always been a Michael girl..." Baily and Michael took a seat on a couch and talked. Ashton and Calum walked away to play with some instraments. I just stood there awkwardly with Luke. I looked down at my shoes and at the wall. Anything but Lukes eyes.

     "You wanna grab some coffee?' He asked me walking towards the door.

     "Oh i shouldnt leave my cousin..."

     "Relax, theres a coffee maker in the hall. Come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. I glanced back to see Ashton and Calum giving me the thumbs up. I followed Luke in silence and made my coffee. The whole time, he was just staring at me.

     "What is it?" I asked him suddenly. It was freaking me out how transfixed he was with me. I was nothing special.

     "Your just pretty." He said. He smiled. I liked his smile. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

     "Look... I dont do the whole fall in love with a boy just because they say nice things to me. I dont do boy bands..." I mummble.

     "Well i make nice comments a lot... So how could i get you to fall in love with me? Oh and you can do me whenever you want." He asked taking a step closer to me and placing a hand on my hip. His sudded actions startled me. I took a step back but slipped on something and started falling. Before i could hit the floor Luke caught me. He pulled me back up and stood close to me. 

     "You never did tell me your name." He was so close i could feel his breath on my lips.

     "Its Raegan." I stammered.  

     "See? That wasnt so hard. Dont act so stuck up Rae. Your better then that." He said smirking and still holding me.

     "Excuse me." I pulled away and hurried towards the dressing room to get Baily. What was his problem?! That was damn mean. Luke Hemmings I detest you.


Just Breathe. -||- A Luke Hemmings fanfiction (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now