Part Seventeen

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   Luke's p.o.v.

     I watched as Rae walked quickly up the driveway to Shay's house. She slipped through the metal rails of the gate and picked up her pace to a trot. I pulled away from the house, not really wanting to go home. To be completely honest, I have never had a girl hyperventilate right in front of my like that. I mean I've seen some damn excited girls to see me, but never this.

     I pulled over on the side street that Shay lived on. Huge houses were back there, friggen rich neighbourhood I must say. But anyway, it was more then just Rae loosing her breath. It was like she was suddenly stopped up inside. Likemt ehere was no air to give out of take in. She just kept on clutching her chest and her throat. I thought she was going to die. I mean, i am in love with her, if she dies, I die. I couldnt live without that girl. She is everything to me. I havnt really thought about it until now... The only way I really ever express my feelings is through music and I have so many times about her but... maybe she just doesnt realize it. I wish there was some way for me to show her without becoming completely embarassed.

     Raegan's P.o.v.

     I cried into the pillow in the guest bedroom I am staying in at Shay's house. I felt so terribly bad about what happened back at Luke's place. He probably thinks I am some sort of freak now. I wouldn't doubt if he would never speak to me again. I cuddle deeper into the sweatshirt he gave me.

     Shay and Baily are not home yet and probably won't be until the next morning or whatever. I had dried my tears of shame and calmed down enough to sleep which i did. I'm not saying it was peacful because it really was not. I had various nightmares and horrors that taunted my mind. Mostly they were about loosing Luke. I could never really bear to loose him. He is my sunshine. It really amazes me that his simple words brought me out of my hyperventilation earlier.

     "Rae, just breathe." Is all that echos throughout my mind. I can't get a handle on how much those three small words can do.

     I decide to get up around eight for a run. Shay and BAily got in arount four so they will be sleeping for a while. Baily is sharing my room so of course, since she was completely wasted and shit faced, she had to wake me up with her laughter when she got home and I never really got to sleep after she decided to snore all night!

     So i got up. I threw on some yoga pants and a teeshirt which Luke had given me. It still smelled like him. I stretch for a bit then take off down the block. Running always clears my head. It never fails.

     I ran for about five minutes before coming up on a car that looked weirdly familiar. I peeked in the window as I passed to see a guy fast alseep inside. I laugh and stopped to get a closer look. Maybe take a picture and show it to Luke. He always laughs at stupid shit like that. I am about to take a picture when I realize that I don't have a phone. No duh. I look a little closer at the boy who is leaning over the back seat when I realize the tossled mess of blonde hair and wrinkled Nirvana shirt, it's Luke!

     I giggle slightly and try the handle. It opens. Idiot leaving the door unlocked. I get in noislessly and climb inot the back next to him. I gently adjust his upper body so his torso is leaning comfortably over my lap. I tangle my fingers in his hair and stroke it gently. I just look down at his beautiful face. His eyes flutter underneath his heavy lids before opening sleepily.

      "Hi." I whisper smiling a bit.  He smiles up at me.

     "Hi Rae. You found me." He reaches up and brushes my cheek with his thumb gently.

     "So," He says sitting up and scooting closer to me,"wanna tell me about what happened last night?" He puts an arm around my shoulder and looks into my eyes intently. I take a deep breath and let it out.

     "Promise you won't hate me forever?" I ask him. I can feel my hands starting to shake. He nods. I begin and tell the story of how it all started. Luke's face moves from pure horror to such pity its sickening.

     "Please Luke don't look at me like that." I say looking away from him. I should have just told him I have asthma or something...

     "Why not? I feel bad." he says, reaching out and turning my face back towards him. I look into his baby blues and try not to look away.

     "No one but you and Shay and my family knows about this. Don't tell Ashton, Calum, or Michael please." I whisper.

     "I would never tell anyone about this Rae." He says. I nod.

     "I just feel like you are going to think I am some murderer now." I say looking him in the eyes. He looks shocked.

      "Are you serious? Raegan if I did, that would be rediculas! It wasn't your fault you wanted to help." He says. I turn to him again. Now it's my turn to become shocked.

     "Really?" I say my eyes wide. he nods. His mussy hair flopping everywhere.

     "Look, Rae... I know I am no good with words, only music... But I want to tell you that I am so in love with you. You are so perfect and you just mean the world to me. There is nothing I would trade you for." He says, his smile growing by the milasecond. So does mine.

      "And Luke you are my sunshine, my only sunshine." I say smiling before I kiss his cheek. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me with all he has. Luke Hemmings I am in love with you.


Just Breathe. -||- A Luke Hemmings fanfiction (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now