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"I want Brendon! I want him so fucking bad! I love him so much! He's an angel compared to you!"

I screamed between sobs.

Tory took a deep breath before punching me in the face....I knew that was coming.

"Well guess what you stupid bitch?! He doesn't want you! You are nothing and nobody wants nothing!"

Troy shouted as he began to kick me.

"Help! Help me!"

I began to scream hoping someone in another apartment room would hear me.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Troy yelled as he hit me over the head with something. I didn't know what it was but I began to feel dizzy. He knocked me out. I felt my eyes flutter closed as Troy grabbed my ankles. And then everything was dark. A few hours later I woke up on the couch. I sat up and looked at the clock.


The clock read.

I tip toed around the house to see if Troy was home, luckily he wasn't. He left for work, he worked at a gas station. Figures. I slowly got off the couch in sore pain. I went into the bathroom and turned the light on. My lip had a bruise and a cut on it, my cheek and eye were bruised, and my forehead had a huge cut in it.


I flinched as I put a bandage over my forehead.

I grabbed ice for my eye, lip, and cheek and began to rest on the couch, but then I remembered...Brendon was coming home today! I gasped and smiled as I jumped up off the couch to get ready, he was coming home around 7:00am and wanted me to pick him up from the airport so we could hang out, well, that's what he texted me. So I got dressed and ready and once I got to the airport I saw Brendon, just standing there. He was on his phone and he looked tired. He was so cute. I gulped.

"Oh my god! Are you Brendon Urie!"

I heard a girl gasp as she walked up to Brendon and asked for a photo.

"Yes I am, but shhh I don't wanna get mobbed, I'm waiting for my ride."

Brendon said which made me chuckle.

The girl snapped a photo and walked away. I walked over to Brendon.


I called holding out my arms.


Brendon said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"How was tour?"

I asked as we began to walk out of the airport.

"Tour was amazing."

Brendon replied.

"There were so many fans singing my songs, calling my name, it felt so amazing."

Brendon explained.

I smiled.

"I wish I could have saw all that."

I said.

We exited the airport and were now on our way to my car.

"Man, my favorite part would probably have to be the Girls/Girls/Boys song. The rainbow of the crowd, the speech, how everyone smiled and clapped..."

Brendon trailed off as we got into the car.

I took a deep breathe.

"Yeah I saw some videos online, everyone seemed to be going crazy over the whole Girls/Girls/Boys speech."

The Scars Left By My Memories (Brendon Urie fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now