November 4th

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Sarah's Point of view:

I was laying in bed. It was around 2 or 3am in the morning on November 4th. And I felt the most pain I've ever felt. And I felt wet. I sat up quickly and groaned causing Brendon to wake up as well.

"Ah! Brendon it hurts!"

I groaned.

"What happened?!"

He asked panicked, but confused.

"I-I think it's time...the baby is coming..."

I said in pain.

Brendon's eyes widened and he threw on shoes and helped me put mine on before we left the house for the hospital. Brendon carried me to the car and we drove as fast as we could without getting pulled over.

"My wife's water broke!"

Brendon shouted as he carried me through the emergency room.

The doctors lay me on a gurney and Brendon walked beside it. He grabbed my hand and smiled down at me.

The doctors took us into a room and closed the door while Brendon helped me change into a hospital gown. I lay back on the gurney.

"She's ready!"

Brendon called.

The doctors hooked me up to machines and put a cap over my hair.

"Okay baby momma, you're going to want to grab daddy's hand for this part."

The doctor said.

I grabbed onto Brendon's hand tightly with both my hands and he smiled big.

"I'm scared Brendon."

I whispered.

"You'll be okay. I'm right here."

Brendon replied.

"Okay Mom we're gonna need you to push. Take a deep breath."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before pushing. I could feel drips of sweat on my forehead and my face turning red. It was painful. I threw my head back and caught my breath.

"Alright another push."

The doctor said.

I pushed again and I could hear crying.

"Alright you did it! Daddy do you wanna cut the chord?"

The doctor asked.

Brendon walked over to the doctors and cut the umbilical chord.

The doctors carried Liam out of the room and he came back in 20 minutes later after they cleaned him and weighed him and such.

"Who wants to see the baby boy?"

The doctor said carrying Liam back in the room.


Brendon and I exclaimed at the same time.

"You can hold him first."

I said.

"That's not fair, you pushed him out."

The Scars Left By My Memories (Brendon Urie fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now