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Sarah's Point of view:

I woke up today feeling good, tired, but good. Today was the day of the Troy's execution.

I woke up Brendon so he could watch the baby before I went off to get ready.

"B...wake up..."

I said.


He mumbled.

I giggled.

"Wake up!"

I said in a hushed yell.

"I-I'm up..."

He said sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Today's Troy's execution, I'm going to go get ready and you're going to be babysitting."

I said with a smile.

"What?! Sarah I can't do this alone!"

Brendon shouted.

"Shh! Liam is right there do you want him to wake up?"

I said.

"And yes you can, check his diaper first thing every time he cries, if it feels wet or smells stinky change him, and put baby power on his front and back every time you change him. You don't want his to get a rash. And feed him every one to two hours. He's only little so he only drinks formula. He likes his bottles warm. Not hot, not cold, warm. And change him into clean clothes when he wakes up after you feed him. I'll give him a bath when I get home so you don't have to worry about that. Remember, feed, change, watch, oh! And make sure after about and hour or two of letting him play you put him down for a nap in his pack and play, and keep an eye on his mind while he naps too."

I said.

"Can you write this down?"

Brendon asked.

I rolled my eyes and got into the shower and when I got out I wrote down the directions.

I went to my closet and grabbed a white dress and white shoes. I did my hair nicely and wore white jewelry.

"You know people usually wear black to these kinds of things, like a funeral."

Brendon said sounding like a question.

"Why would I wear black? I don't care about him. I won't be phased at all."

I said.

"I have to go."

I added.

I kissed Brendon and kissed Liam before walking out the door and driving to the place where Troy was being executed.

I walked in and sat in the front and center. I was the first one there. Some of his family and friends started arriving about 5 minutes after me. And then I saw him.

Behind the glass two guards escorted him to the electrical chair. They prepared him and the chair before asking him if he had any last words.

"Yes. I do."

He said looking into my eyes.

"I love you Sarah."

He stated.

I flipped him off and smiled as I did so. And then I waved.

The chair turned on and Troy's body started to shake violently and he began to scream.

After about a minute or so he was dead. And I was finally free.

The Scars Left By My Memories (Brendon Urie fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now