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Brendon's Point of view:

She said yes. She said yes! As I hugged Sarah on that walking path that was all I could think. I was so happy. I was the happiest man alive.

"I love you so much."

I said as I let Sarah go.

"I love you too."

She replied.

I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her passionately as she kissed back. I heard footsteps running and cameras clicking and I knew the paparazzi was here taking photos but I didn't care. As long as Sarah was with me I was happy. We continued walking as the paparazzi followed us and then we went back home.

"I am so happy Sarah. You make me so happy."

I said sitting down on the couch.

"You make me happy too Brendon."

Sarah replied.

"And that's why we're going to celebrate."

She added as she handed me glass of champagne.

"I'd like to make a toast, to us. To a the shit we've been through, and how we made it out alive. And now, we have no more problems and we're getting married."

She said clicking her glass against mine and sitting next to me on the couch. I wrapped my arm around her and we finished our drinks and after that we went to bed. I lay in bed with Sarah's head against my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair slowly and soon she fell asleep. I couldn't sleep, I was too excited and happy. I stared at the ceiling and listened to the air conditioner all night until my eyes got heavy and I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up after Sarah and I went downstairs to see her sitting on the couch.

"Hey honey."

I said sitting down next to her.

I realized she was crying and immediately wrapped my arms around her.

"Baby what's wrong?"

I asked her.

"A bunch of social media outlets are calling me a psychopath and saying that I shouldn't be marrying you!"

She exclaimed.

"What why?!"

I questioned.

"Cause they saw you picking me up at the hospital the other day and then they saw you proposing on the walking path!"

She replied.

I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek before placing my fingers on her chin and forcing her to look at me. I wiped away her tears.

"If you're a psycho then so am I."

I replied.

She smiled and I kissed her. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"And I'm going to call MTV and request they do an interview with me about this. I'll clear this up don't worry."

I said.

"You can tell them why I was in the hospital. I don't care."

She said.

I nodded.

Sarah's Point of view:

I couldn't stop crying. Brendon was on the phone with MTV and he sounded super upset.

"Hey MTV this is Brendon Urie and I'd like to schedule an interview on your channel as soon as possible please."

He said in an angry tone.

"I'd like to talk about my fiancé."

He said after a quick pause.

"Yes tomorrow works, thank you."

Brendon said hanging up the phone.

He sighed. Tomorrow he was going to go on TV and stand up for me.


The interview was live so I got to see Brendon while everything was happening.

"Today on MTV we are joined by Brendon Urie who'd like to clear up all the rumors that his now fiancé Sarah Bradley is not a psychopath and says he has permission to tell us why she was in the mental institution."

A woman on the TV said.

"So Brendon, explain everything."

The woman added as she sat down.

"Well, my fiancé was not in the mental institute for the reasons everyone thinks. She's not a psycho she was suicidal and depressed. I put her in the institute because she was becoming a danger to herself and I tried to help her but it always seemed like she didn't want my help or a therapist so I felt like I had to send her away. But since she's come home she hasn't tried anything and she seems a lot more happy to be back with me. And yes I did propose and that's because I love her. And I've looked online lately and some of you Panic! fans, don't think I don't see you cause I do, some of you absolutely hate Sarah when she didn't do anything wrong. She has never tried to hurt me and she makes me happy. So, to all the Panic! fans that are rude to Sarah I kindly ask you to deactivate your fan page and never listen to my music again. Because if I see you being rude to my fiancé on social media I will not hesitate to block you."

Brendon said.

"So Brendon, what are some of the things the haters will say?"

The woman asked.

"They say stuff like, 'Oh Sarah's dangerous!' 'Sarah's gonna end up killing Brendon!' and, 'Sarah is terrible and she doesn't deserve Brendon!' "

He said in a way that made him sound as if he was mocking somebody.

"But the thing is, Sarah's not a danger to other people she used to be a danger to herself but she isn't anymore. And she's not terrible, she's the most amazing girl I've ever met and she's no where close to being terrible or dangerous."

Brendon said sounding angry.

"So Brendon you've obviously had girlfriends in the past, is Sarah better than them?"

The woman asked.

"None of them can even compete with Sarah and I'm not saying this cause she's my present girlfriend or because she's watching this I'm saying it because I am so in love with her, goddamn! She's so pretty and amazing and she's made me happier than I've ever been and I look back on a the other relation ships I've been in before her and I think, well man, she's so much better. And what we have is stronger than what I've had with any other woman."

Brendon replied.

The woman wrapped up the show and Brendon left the stage and I knew he'd be home in about an hour. I waited for him and once I heard the door opening I ran into his arms before he could say or do anything. He lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his stomach.

"Thank you."

I whispered as I kissed his cheek, lips, and neck.

"I love you."

I added.

The Scars Left By My Memories (Brendon Urie fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now