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Ross' POV:

I couldn't take it anymore. Being 'just friends' with Kensi is killing me. I tried singing break down the walls when we were watching that episode of Austin and ally but she didn't seem to notice.

One new thing, among many, that I learned about kens is that she loves Marianas trench. I ran into josh and Matt from mtrench last week at the studio and talked them into helping me win her over.

Then all I had to do was talk my family into letting us go to the studio alone. It wasn't hard when I told them the plan.

Now I was picking her up. I pulled up in my royal blue 1969 Mach 1 mustang and honked.

She came out looking. Amazing. I mean she always looked beautiful but today she was stunning. Her hair was down. I had never seen it down before. I never knew it was so thick. She'd braid was always small so I assumed her hat was like Rydels. But it wasn't. She looked so happy, I'd seen her fake a smile and her real smile. This was real. She was slightly confused at it just being me but I expected that.

"Hey!" she said sliding in "just us today?"

"Uh ya I just have to put some vocals down and the others had other stuff to do today."

"Okay!" she was really happy for some reason. I liked seeing her this way.

On the way there we just sang along to the radio. i turned it down "hey why haven't I heard that Canucks song on the radio?" I had to ask. It was good even if it was only played in Vancouver.

"Oh that's just us. Me and Alex do most of the singing but David is the one doing that rap near the end." I was shocked. I guess they screamed it so loud in the van before I didn't know it was there voices.

"Really?! That's amazing! You guys are so good! And the song was catchy even if you do route for the wrong team." I had to slip that in our hockey arguments are legendary.

"Really? I can recall an interview where you Rocky AND Riker all said you liked the sedin twins!" She said but immediately realized it after she said it.

She underscored how much she knew about us. She made it seem like she knew our music but not much else.

"And um how do you know that?" I asked, I remember that interview. It was right before I got signed to Austin and ally. She's been a fan for a while.

"Oh did I ever tell you that I might know more about you than you think. And might have been part of the R5 family since, oh, 2010?" I was shocked. If I hadn't parked I would have slammed on my brakes. "Oh we're here" she couldn't get out fast enough.

I caught up to her at the door and put my arm around her I was about to tease her when she said "so I guess I won that argument didn't I?" I stopped dead in my tracks as she continued on giggling down the hallway. In all the excitement I never denied it, even if what she said was true I always argue with her about hockey. I could've said that it was a few years ago and my opinion had changed but no. I was never gonna hear the end of this.

I found her in the recording studio reserved for today, on her phone throwing off a smile wider than the Cheshire Cat. "I'll get you for that." I said calmly, like this happened everyday. Which it did. "Why didn't you tell me you liked us for that long?"

"Oh my cousins made fun of you when we played one of your songs once, so me and Kyla downplayed the whole 'in love with them!' phase. And other than that it just never came up" she replied plainly. I liked how she wasn't unsure about opening up to me anymore, I hope she at least likes me now - wait.

"Hold up. 'in love with them!'?" her face went white as a ghost but she regained her colour quickly. You couldn't phase her for long, but I can try. "So who was your favourite? who did you love? who did you picture marrying?!" I said like a teenage girl. But I quickly regretted that. What if it wasn't me? What if I really was just a friend?

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