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Kensi POV

This week is been crazy. I avoided Phillip but did run into Matt. As it turns out he only pretended to like me to get Paige's attention. He figured if he pretended I liked him she would like him too. Stupid boys.

Anyway Matt and Ryland have gotten close so he's here anytime we are basically. Right now we're watching Romeo and Juliet. No one but Ross really wants to but it's the only movie brought in English.

Somewhere between Mercucio biting his thumb and the wedding everyone got there phones out and started doing something else. And yes. Ross has made me watch this enough times to have me know the names.

Suddenly matt sat up, "hey guys, my mom wants to know if you wanna come for dinner tomorrow since it will be your last night here?" Everyone but Ross and I agreed, I wasn't so sure going to Phillips house was a good way to avoid him. "Don't worry Kelsey. I'll keep him away from you. My mom has been really into place cards lately, I can put you between Ross and Riker and sit Phil between Rocky and Ryland on the other end. please come. My mom misses you."

I shrug, "fine. But if he pisses me off again we're leaving," I say referring to Ross and I, "you guys can stay as long as you want."

Everyone nodded except Ross. When I looked at him he stared blankly at the movie. Juliet was in her room taking the potion to fall asleep. Then Romeo was getting the news. About then everyone else left to their rooms since we watched the movie in ours.

The movie was now over and Ross still hasn't said anything and nowhere in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

"Everything alright? You seem quiet" I asked. Was it something I did?

"Why did you agree to go? first you want to be as far away from him as possible, now we're going to his house for dinner." He said. He wasn't quite mad but possibly confused.

"I miss Vesna. And Miroslav. I can deal with Phillip but if we're here it would be rude not to see them." I said. Which was exactly my reasoning. Not that I'm not afraid of Philip but Ross will be with me "if you'd rather us not go, I'll call Matt and cancel."

"No it's fine. Sorry, I just don't like the thought of losing you. What if Phillip wins you over? What if you decide you still like him? What if-" I cut him off by kissing him hard.

It took a second but he did kiss back. This started a whole make out session "jump" he mumbled into my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he backed me against the wall sliding his tongue across my lip and inlet him in. We continued making out for about 5 minutes until someone texted me and interrupted us.

I pecked his lips again and hopped down to get my phone. "Your mom said we can sleep in tomorrow. It's a day off." Then he burst out laughing while looking at his phone. "What did I say?"

He showed me his phone.

Rocky 🎸

Do I want to know what banged against the wall 10 minutes ago?

I started blushing. "Your cute when you blush." he said moving a hair behind my eye. "Come on let's go to bed." He said smiling and handing me his shirt. Our usual agreement. He sleeps shirtless and in sweatpants, I sleep in my tights and the t-shirt he wore all day. I love smelling like him.

I changed in the bathroom and got into bed. We cuddled up my head perfectly over his heart, there's nothing better that going to sleep to the sound if his heart. "Love you babe." I said yawning.

"Love you too Kens" he said kissing the top of my head.

A/N sorry for not updating. My iPods home button got stuck and I had to wait for my new one to be ordered then I had to remember my password. Anyway now that I'm back on its time to start up again.

This chapters song is stormy by Hedley for when Ross thinks kensi will leave him. "Even if it sounds crazy darling inept let you go."


This chapter is dedicated to @lissy_r5_1915 because when I checked my notifications she had voted for all of the chapters.

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