Perfect Day

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Ross POV:

I pulled onto the street and looked over at kens, I have to ask her to be my girlfriend. Well, properly, I think she already is. "So where are we gonna go?" I ask as we hit the highway.

She looks over at me "hmm how about up to the mountains? You can see to White Rock on a clear day like today." She said, I nodded.

After a few minutes we were going through a tunnel and kens said after that I would see Ambleside beach. But I was too focused on the amusement park. R5 played here a couple summers ago and the roller coaster was nuts.

"Summer date. Check." I said and kens laughed "what? don't you think we'llbe together that long?" I asked knowing she'd say yes or that she hoped so

"It's not that. But if you think I'm going on that - thing - you're nuts." She said laughing. "I'll go on anything but that stupid wooden coaster!" she was dead serious bit laughing at the same time.

I rolled my eyes "ok got it. No coasters." We were now across the bridge and I saw signs for the different mountains. "Alright where do you wanna go? Cyprus, Grouse, or Seymore?" I asked. I'd never even been to this part of Vancouver yet so I was clueless.

"Well you can see more at Seymore." She said I laughed at her corny joke and took that exit. She laughed too but quickly stopped.

Kensi didn't say anything the whole way up the mountain. Something was up, but I didn't want to make her cry until I could hold her so I dropped it for now.

We got to the lookout that faced the city and got out. I went to her and grabbed her hand. We kept walking until we were away from the crowd and sat in a bench. She laid her head I my shoulder and sighed. "What's wrong babe? You seemed fine when we left and now you seem depressed."

She sighed again "remember how I said 'you see more at Seymore'?" I nodded "that was my dad's joke. We always went to the mountains at least 5 times a year. I guess it just reminded me of him." I smiled

"Well, why does that have to be bad? Shouldn't it be a happy memory not a sad one? I mean you had a good time right?" I said trying to cheer her up.

I could feel her smile on my shoulder "yeah. You're right. I guess I never thought of it like that. thanks."

We spent the next hour in almost complete silence, not awkward just peaceful quiet. We shared my headphones and sang softly. She really could sing, but I don't think she knows.

Slowly bit surely the sun went down, and we had the perfect view. It was beautiful. The setting sun turned the mountains around us pink and the snow that was still in them sparkled. "Hey Kensi?" I asked

She moved her head for the first time in an hour "hmm?"

"Would you, um, be my, uh girlfriend?" I asked.

She nodded and kissed me. We smiled into the kiss until her phone rang.

She pulled away to answer it "hello? yes. Really? Awesome! Yeah I'll be home in a bit. Ok live you too bye!!"

She looked at me "you'll never guess who that was!"

"Your other boyfriend wondering why you're out so late?" I asked sarcastically

"How'd you know?" she said in the same voice. "No it was Lawson! He said that the team is gonna let us do small concerts before games. We'll just be doing covers but still! maybe a few hockey songs if we can come up with more." She was beaming, I've never seen her this happy

"Congrats babe! You don't mind me calling you babe, do you?" I asked she shook her head but said we better leave soon.

- later that night -

Kensi POV

"So you?" he pointed at Ross "and you?" he pointed at me. "You two are? But I thought - ugh never mind. Ross you have my blessing. But you hurt her and I'll kill you" Alex finally got his thoughts together and chose to act like a dad to me again, which he of all my cousins was most like.

"First of all" I said "I didn't ask for approval over him, just telling you the facts" I said " second of all. If he hurts me I'll kill him myself."

"Fine. And word to the wise ross; never underestimate her strength. Once she hog tied me and left me alone in the house for 3 hours cause i called her weak." He said glaring at me.

Ross laughed "don't worry I'll keep a close eye on her." He winked at me so I smirked at Alex discretely and he nodded. I went behind Ross grabbed his wrist, flipped it between his shoulder blades "all I have to do is ouch up on your elbow and your shoulder is dislocated." I then let go and pecked his lips.

"I wasn't ready for you" he said cockily

"It's better that way dude." David spoke up "when you're ready for her and she still gets you it's worse."

Ross raised his eyebrow at me "what?! I hang out with NHL players weekly. I learned a thing or two." I shrugged.

Lawson finally spoke up "one thing" he said "I'm not one for rules but this is a big one! Ross, you can spend the night whenever, but you're only allowed to sleep nothing more! got it?" I hate Lawson sometimes, but if he hadn't said it I would have.

Ross looked shocked, he was always one if the guys with them, but I wasn't always his girlfriend. "Don't worry guys," he took off his 'R' ring "it's my purity ring, nothing more than sleep until we're married."

The guys nodded. And watched Riker and Kyla flirt "Riker! same goes for you with Kyla." James said. This turned Kyla red as a tomatoe.

"And on that note." I grabbed Ross' hand and ran upstairs "goodnight"

- 5 min later -

"goodnight babe" Ross said while playing with my hair. My head was in his chest and his arm was around me.

"Goodnight baby" I replied already half asleep.

Today was a long amazing day.

A/N: I'm not sure about the whole purity ring thing but he does have an 'R' ring that he always wears.

This chapters song is Perfect Day by Lady Antebellum

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