Be Your Everything

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"I never said that" I said walking up to him. "I said liked because I don't like you." I said walking up to him. He was sadder than ever. "I love you." I said. I was now more sure than ever that I did.

His face lit up and looked at me. I nodded right before he crashed his lips on mine. It was a slow passionate kiss. We both ended up smiling into it and didn't pull apart until we had to breathe.

"Never scare me like that again." he said between breaths.

- Present -

Ross POV

I honestly cannot believe I'm kissing her. I'm finally kissing her! I don't want it to end, but we have to breathe.

Reluctantly, we pull away. I lay my forehead on hers and just stare in her eyes. I can't find the words to say right now, I don't want to ruin the moment by saying the wrong thing.

"Wow" I should have known she'd know what to say. That's why I love her. She's never at a loss for words. Even simple ones.

I smile at her. "Yeah. Wow." I'm still holding her. I don't want to let go.

She smiles and says "so." Oh no

I drop her hands "Please tell me you're not about to say that it was a mistake and you don't think we should date because of my job and I'll be away for weeks at a time or that we should just stay friends." I say in one breath. I just got her, I can't lose her now!

She pecked my lips, "I wasn't gonna say any of that." I let out the breath I held and grab her hands again. "However, now that you mention it you've got me thinking."

Oh crap. What have I done?! I let go of her hands and sit down on the couch. With my head in my hands. I felt a dip on the couch next to me. She grabbed my chin the same way I have done to her when she's upset. I looked at her. She leaned in and kissed me. It only lasted a couple seconds but it was full of love. "Don't be such a girl." She smirked and stood up.

"Oh you did not just call me a girl!" I yelled playfully at her.

She screamed and ran for the door. But not before grabbing my leather jacket 'why would she grab that?' I thought to myself while chasing her, she slipped it on while running through the hallways, 'it's not even cold out' she was routing thru the pockets still running. What is she looking for? I have my phone, my wallet and my - oh no - my keys! She wouldn't dare!

She gets outside and heads straight for Juliet. Yes I named my car. I pick up the pace and catch her just as she opens the door and close it before she can get in. I press her up against the door, "and just where do you think you're going?" I say trying to catch my breath

"Oh just for a drive." She sounds so innocent. Like she wasn't about to steal my car.

"If you wanna go for a drive you could have just asked" I said holding out my hand for the keys. She pulled her arms into my jacket and shook her head no. I smiled down at her "yes. And I want my jacket too." I argue

She ponders for a second like she has the best idea ever. "You can have one or the other your choice." I hate when she does this. There's no way I'm getting both back. Not today at least.

I roll my eyes "ugh. Keys." I say. She brings her arm back out of the sleeve and drops them in my hand.

She goes around to her door "pleasure doing business with you." She said getting in.

"You just wanted the jacket didn't you?" I said chuckling

"Would you have given it to me without a bribe?" she asked.

"I didn't give it to you at all. I'll let you wear it for now and get it back later." I retort. She shrugs and smiles looking out the window. She looks at me and leans over the arm rest and kisses me.

"Oh and no. We are not just friends. that is if you want to be more..."

Kensi POV:

I hope he wants to be more. I hated being just friends, but what he said made sense. He will be gone for long periods of time maybe he started thinking and realized it would be better to just be friends. Maybe it would be better. Oh who am I kidding?! I love this boy!

He looks at his lap. I'm still leaning on the arm rest so when he turns to look at me our noses nearly hit. He looked almost sad. Oh well, I should have known, just because he said he wouldn't leave didn't mean he meant it. I opened his car door and got out. He opened his and ran around the car. I took his jacket off and threw it at him. Then he started laughing. "What's so funny?!" I asked almost in tears.

He pushed me back against the car and simply said "payback" before kissing me. Hard. Flat out on the mouth - time stopped - fireworks exploding - butterflies in my stomach - kissed me. "Now will you or will you not be my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded my head so quick I probably looked like a bobble head. "Good. Now that that's settled," he picked up the jacket off the ground, "I believe this is yours." He said wrapping it around my shoulders.

"I thought it was only temporary. That you were just gonna steal it back." I raised an eyebrow at him. He laughed. I love his laugh.

He pecked my lips and opened the car door for me, "I believe you wanted to go for a drive?" I nodded and got in. He never replied to me and I didn't need him to. This would be the first of many jackets I steal from him.

A/N: This chapters song is Be Your Everything by Boys Like Girls i love blg and strongly suggest you guys listen to them.

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