Can't go back

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Pls read A/N at the end!! I need your help with something.

Kensi pov

When everyone got home I told them almost right away. I did my old trick and said I was fine when really I wasn't. Apparently Alex had news but he was gonna tell me tomorrow since I look tired. Might as well try and sleep. Maybe forget about everything for at least a little while.

I got into my pyjamas, did a loose braid and got into bed. I couldn't get comfortable. It doesn't feel the same without Ross. I love the way it feels to fall asleep next to him, his arms wrapped around me. I put my pillow beside me and start crying into it.

Soon enough, I'm fast asleep.

Ross POV

I was lying in bed wide awake. I can't believe I lost Kensi. I went over everything we said to eachother in my head and there was only one thing keeping me from going and getting her back. She was right.

I mean, I wouldn't ever cheat on her, but we would drift apart. Probably find other people and have to break up over the phone meaninglessly. At least now we have that pang in our hearts. Or at least I do.

I keep trying to fall asleep but I can't. Once you sleep with someone every night for 2 months you get surprisingly used to it. Heck, I was used to it after one night.

Guess I'm getting off this addiction cold turkey.

Kensi POV

When I woke up I went downstairs and got my coffee from Kyla. Guess we're right back in the swing of things. Lawson was eating my breakfast and Alex and James were wrestling on the living room floor.

I missed these guys.

Eventually Alex hog tied James and told me to follow him. We went up to my room and he pulled me I for one of those big bear hugs I've missed.

"So what's this news of yours?" I asked. Trying to keep myself from crying again.

He sighed in defeat, knowing I would only open up to one person, and if I had him I wouldn't have anything to open up about. Funny how that works, isn't it?

"Remember my friends Jack, Rian and zack?" I nodded, "well our band just got signed to hopeless records! We'll be recording at their studio her in Vancouver and in a few months we should have an album out!"

I jumped up and hugged him. "That's amazing congradulations alex!"

"I don't get to the best part, they said you can sing a couple of the songs if you want. I mean you helped me right most of them, it's only fair."

I hugged him again. And ran out of my room. I was out the door before I realized I shouldn't be running to tell Ross.

I decided if go down to the park and sit on the swings. I would go back to my spot in the woods but I don't think I can for a while.

When I got to the swings Ross was already there. He looked up and when I looked at him he had bags under his eyes, I probably did too. I smiled a little and sat on the swing next to him.

We just sat in silence until I spoke up, "all time low just caught a record deal. They signed with hopeless here in Vancouver." I said.

He looked over at me, "cool, tell Alex I say congrats. I would myself but I'm not in the mood to get beat."

"They know it was me. That you tried to keep us together but I said no. Don't worry they don't hate you." I said.

He sighed, "we officially signed with Hollywood today. We leave next week."

I nodded. We at there for a few more minutes. Then Ross started to laugh. "Whats so funny?"

"It used to be I could never get any time to think. We were always talking about nothing. Now there's things we should say and neither if us want to speak up." I nodded.

"I guess saying those things makes it all too real." I said back. "I gotta head back. I never told anyone where I was going."

"I'll walk you back. It looks like it's about to rain anyway."

"Dude it's Vancouver. It always looks like it's about to rain." just as I said that it started to downpour.

Ross just liked at me smugly. I riled my eyes and started to run for my house. "Hey wait up!" he yelled, but I could hear him laughing.

We ran all the way to the carport. I started laughing and so did Ross.

Then I made a mistake. I looked at his eyes. They're beautiful. Dark brown. You could get lost in them. I noticed we were leaning in just in time. I took a step away, "come say goodbye before you leave. Promise?" I asked as I got to the door.

"I promise."

A/N: song for this chapter was can't go back by Hedley.

Short chapter before I go to bed. There should be a longer one either tomorrow or Thursday. The second to next chapter will be the last of this book and will be almost immediately followed by the sequel.

Now for your job. Help me decide whether to call the new story 'stay with me' or 'heart made up on you'. I want to name it one of the songs from their new EP. I'll tally up the comments when I'm ready to start the new book.


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