What hurts the most

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Rydel's POV:

I wonder where Kensi went. We got to her place and she just vanished. I was gonna ask Kyla but her and Riker were flirting so I just asked James. Apparently her room is the attic so I went and knocked on the door.

"Come in" she said. I went in and she was on her bed playing on her iPad. "What's up?"

"Just wondering why you weren't downstairs." I said honestly. She seemed to have fun tonight so I wanted to know if something was wrong.

"I'm just kinda tired" she said. I nodded but it didn't seem true.

"Are you sure that's it?" I asked I know we only met today but I'd like a new girl friend.

"Well actually I just don't make friends that easily. I just kinda blend in and try to go unnoticed." She said. I wonder why she got along with Rocky and Ross.

"Oh. Do you know why?" I didn't wanna pressure her big she was opening up.

"I lost my parents a few years ago. That's why I live with Lawson and Kyla. They moved here when Lawson was signed to the giants team. Then they took me in when my parents died." She said with tears welling up in her eyes.

I went to hug her and then said "but why does that stop you from making friends?" I asked I mean it was as but still.

"Oh my old friend started to laugh at me for crying after my parents died. Then I started getting bullied. So I pushed people away. Now I don't get hurt." She said. I don't know how she wasn't crying she must be really used to it.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I meant it too I can't imaging going thru all that. She must be strong.

"It's ok. I still have my sisters but their all married so I don't see them often. I usually just blast music when I'm sad" she said slightly happy "it always manages to cheer me up." She was smiling now.

"Have you heads of our band? R5?" she started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked laughing too.

"You guys are my favourite! You have no idea how hard it was god not freak out all day." She explained then I started laughing.

"Ok great them what's your fave song of ours?"

"Hmm one last dance." Really that's Ross' fave to!

"Hey Delly?" speak of the devil, "can i talk to you a sec?" he asked I nodded.

Ross POV:

I had to ask Rydel how to ask Kensi out. She was perfect. She wasn't like most girls. She wasn't into clothes although she dressed nice, she knew more about hockey than most guys and her voice was amazing!

"What's up jersey shor?" Rydel asked.

"How do I ask Kensi out? She seems so nice but when she seems happy she turns on me I just can't tell if she likes me or not." I hope she did. But I could en wrong.

"Aww ross. She's had a rough time. But I think I know how to get her to agree."

Then she told me the plan. Oh I hope this works.

A/N: the song for this chapter was what hurts the most. By rascal flats. I thought it worked with Kensi telling Rydel about her life, especially if you watch the video.

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