Chapter 4

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I fell into my bed exhausted from today. I might have a bruise or two haha. But everyone's ok. We all have extremely fast healing powers so it won't take us long to be completely healed. I'm still surprised Luke let me out of his sight! He was insisting on staying with me and making sure I was fine.

I have no clue what has gotten into Tyler. He's not my boyfriend! And how dare he hurt my mate! He should know better. Especially after losing his. He knows I want to protect Luke.  And I thought he loved me as a sister? I'm starting to think otherwise, especially after today! I've never led him on. He knew this entire time my mate was out there somewhere and I would never be with him!

All of a sudden my dads voice drifts into my thoughts.

"I love you so much sweetheart, I'm coming to join you baby." Wait What? I run out of my room as fast as I can hoping to stop him from doing something stupid! He's still my dad, I need him! I see him purposely throw himself down the stairs, head first.

"NNOOO" I cry. He ends up at the bottom of the stairs, dead still. WHAT? Oh please God don't let him die. I run down the stairs calling 911 on the way praying for the impossible miracle that he would make it alive...


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