Chapter 6

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Princess Astrid quartered the small tower room that she had been locked in and was immensely disappointed. It was a small functional room, sparsely furnished with plain bed, table and chair that were hardly suited for a Princess. There was one heavy door which was locked and bolted from the outside and a small window that looked over a sheer drop to the cliffs below. The window wasn't locked because there was nowhere to go. A fireplace had a fire burning in but the chimney was too narrow to offer any opportunity. Angry, she paced back and forth until the door opened and a huge hairy Outcast guard ushered in a sullen woman in cap and poor grey gown. The woman laid a tray on the small table by the fire then left, the door slamming shut behind her.

As soon as she was alone, she raced forward and inspected the tray, seeing a simple meat broth, a hunk of bread and a mug of mead. She swallowed: she was hungry and thirsty but most of all, she was angry. Part of her wanted to slap the tray aside and sulk but the larger part of Astrid-the part that was a pragmatic would-be Queen-sat down on the sagging chair by the fire and tucked in. But as she finished, she inspected the spoon: it was an unusual metal piece of cutlery and she laid the bowl aside, her eyes focussing on the metal. Slowly, her lips curved into a smile.


Hiccup found the kitchen, his exhausted and grimy shape slipping in at the back and managing to make his way unevenly to the pot. He garnered only handful of curious looks but the staff all looked disinterested and beaten down: it didn't encourage him about the working conditions. But the cook-a short, paunchy man with a squint-beckoned him forward, seeing his skinny shape stumble and helped him to a seat.

"New lad, eh?" he asked, inspecting the lanky shape before him. Warily, Hiccup raised his head and gave a small nod.

"Um, yeah," he admitted quietly. "Came in today-and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. They put me to work in the stables straight away-and I haven't eaten all day." The cook instantly went to the pot, ladling out a generous bowl of soup and pressing it into his cold hands. Hiccup glanced up and smiled in gratitude, urgently beginning to eat. The cook settled by him, his portly shape easy.

"You look in need of that," the cook commented. "They're not great at treating new lads-but we always make sure you get a solid meal, never fear!" Hiccup finished his stew and nodded.

"Um, thanks," he said. "I-I don't know where to go now?" The cook thought, scratching his stubbly chin.

"I'm Reidar," he introduced himself.

"Henrik," Hiccup lied automatically. Reidar eyed him carefully.

"You haven't been treated well, have you?" he guessed. Emerald eyes widening, Hiccup opened his mouth to protest but the cook cut in. "You're very guarded, lad..." He paused. "Good looking lad, though."

Okay, that set alarm bells ringing but Hiccup just hunched his shoulders and stared passively at the fire, trying not to respond. There were a few men back at Berk Castle he avoided as a matter of course because they were fairly predatory on the weaker drudges and he had heard unpleasant rumours. He had warned Gustav and the little ones to stay away from them at all costs...and then a wave of guilt washed over him. The kids! He had vanished without a word and they would worry...notwithstanding that they all looked to him to protect them. He knew Gobber knew where he had gone and he also knew Gustav was aware that Gobber was his friend and go-to person. Gobber would look out for the kids-until Hiccup came home.

"Normally, a lad thanks someone who compliments him," Reidar noted, his hand gently squeezing Hiccup's shoulder. He stiffened, feeling awkward.

"Um...thanks," he said warily. "Um...not used to anyone being nice, to be honest." Reidar patted his shoulder again, seeing the faint blush in the boy's pale cheeks.

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