Chapter 11

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As soon as he heard Lord Viggo's words, Hiccup stiffened, forcing his head not to snap around and stare worriedly at Astrid. He had already realised that Viggo Grimborn was a very dangerous and completely callous man and he had a very nasty feeling that he would pick up on any mis-step on his part. Quietly, he patted Fury then walked towards Stormfly and took the reins as well before he became aware that steps were approaching. His knuckles tightened on the reins as General Ryker and Lord Viggo had turned back and stopped before the imposter and the disguised princess. Bearing his previous words in mind, Hiccup felt a cold sweat stand out on the back of his neck.

"So you have sworn your fealty to me yet, girl?" Astrid's eyebrows arched and she stared flatly back.

"If you wish to engage me in your permanent service as a knight of your household, Lord Viggo, then I would be delighted," she said, guessing the rules were different for a wandering knight-and then her eyes snapped to the tall shape standing to her right. "Boy! Recite the relevant regulations-and be quick, before you feel the weight of my hand!" Hiccup dipped his head meekly, though he knew all the regulations governing the area word perfect.

"Yes, Milady," he said clearly. "A knight only swears his fealty and his life to a Lord to whom he has entered the pact with, whereby the nobleman takes him into his house and afford him long-term protection, food, water, weapons, medical aid and whatever else he may need, in return for his sword and his life to be used in whichever service the Lord requires. General Ryker engaged you as a mercenary sword and thus you owe no loyalty and no service beyond that which he specified in the verbal contract-in your case, to fight in his army against the Berserkers. Beyond that, you owe him naught though other duties and privileges may be negotiated on an item by item basis."

He was rewarded by Viggo's thick brows dipping very slightly and the curt nod he afforded the young squire. "Your apprentice is well-retained indeed," he observed smoothly and turned away, leaning close to his brother. "Keep a watch on that girl, Ryker. She may be pretty and spirited but one misplaced cog may break the entire machine." And then he swept away. Instantly, the patrol began to disperse and Hiccup watched as the men returned their horses to the stables and then headed back to their barracks.

"So what next?" Astrid murmured, turned to him and he sighed.

"I guess we-well, I-stable the horses and then we find what accommodation has been assigned to you," he said, stroking Fury's neck. The horse whinnied. "No, I don't trust him either, bud," he mumbled.

"I'm coming with you," she decided and grabbed Stormfly's reins. "I want to see where my horse is going to be housed..." She walked alongside. "And we need to find out how it was that they knew about...the missing Princess..." Emerald eyes flicked up and a worried expression met her own.

"Only one way," Hiccup confirmed grimly. "Someone from Berk is here."


Once the horses were groomed and stabled-and Hiccup had been surprised that Astrid had insisted on tending her own horse, though she had completed the task with skill and precision-they headed up to find food and their accommodation. 'Knight Sif' had been assigned a tiny room high up in the furthest tower while 'Squire Henrik' was to bed down with the other stable boys and menials. And while that was, in fact, his rightful place, Hiccup was concerned that he was a long way from Astrid in case she needed him. But she had smiled and reminded him that she could bar the door and had a sword as well as the axe she had managed to wheedle from the armoury. So she had gone off to dine with the other officers in the army-on Viggo's invitation-while he had trudged to the kitchen to be awarded a bowl of sloppy gruel and a hunk of inedible possibly-bread.

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