Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

For a long and horrific second, Princess Astrid Hofferson felt herself pulled back, her legs dangling over a long and lethal drop. Hiccup's grasp was steady on her hand but she could read the pain and tension in his pale face as he braced himself, trying to make sure she did not drop to her death. The tug on her cloak was becoming harder so her free hand snapped up, releasing the brooch and allowing her cloak to rip away, abruptly propelling her forward . She slammed into Hiccup and he wavered, instinctively dropping to land astride the Gronckle, grabbing tight with his knees and trying to haul her back as she swung past him, her second hand catching his and drawing an unwilling scream as she dragged on his wounded shoulder.

As she flipped round, her eyes saw the dark shape of Krogan, her cloak still in his hand as she swung sideways, her hand slipping from Hiccup's.

"TOOTHLESS!" he howled desperately as a horn echoed through the yard. Instantly, soldiers began to erupt from the barracks as a shape launched from the ridge, from the gloom beneath the Bewilderbeast's feet. Astrid stared up into Hiccup's pained emerald eyes as her cold fingers slid through his. "Astrid-no..." he gasped, his eyes widening as her skin slid away from his. "ASTRID!"

She screamed for almost a second before she impacted onto the shoulders of the blue and gold Nadder that had raced down and swooped beneath her. She clutched at the dragon in desperation and felt the dragon croon beneath her.

"HOLD ON!" Hiccup yelled, leaning and guiding the Gronckle down towards her.

"Really? As if I couldn't work that out for myself!" Astrid yelled back.

"Sorry, Highness," he replied, uncharacteristically flustered. "I haven't ridden a dragon before..."

"And you have?" she asked, her arms wrapped fiercely around the dragon's neck. He nodded, drifting closer as they wheeled round.

"I may have had a small amount of practice," he admitted, his voice still wavering with shock. "Sit as if you were riding Stormfly. Milady. Grip with your legs and you should be safe..." Then a fan of arrows whiffled past them and they stared down as the crossbowmen in the yard lined up on them. Hiccup could see the twins were milling in the crowd and Drago was hanging over his balcony, roaring his rage.

"BRING THEM DOWN!" he screamed. "You will not escape me again, girl!" Hiccup stuffed his hand into the wound, pulling the dagger free and stuffing it in his boot before easing Meatlug to the ground. He could tell that they really couldn't escape-they were too low, too inexperienced and there were too many arrows trained at their unarmored bodies.

"I have a plan," he assured her, grimacing as he felt blood well from his wound. Meatlug landed heavily and he bowed forward, hearing men surround him. Astrid slid to the ground and raced to his side, shoving her way through the ring of men and pushing his hand aside. She hissed as he looked up painfully and tied her scarf firmly around the wound. Then she glared up at Drago.

"I will never be yours!" she snarled. Drago gestured expansively with his right arm, his left hanging motionless by his side.

"Look around you, girl!" he spat, his voice dark with rage at her defiance. "My army has you surrounded, my dragons will destroy you and your would-be rescuers are all captured! If you surrender, Princess, I will spare them..." But she had seen him in action and heard of his 'generosity'.

"You mean 'spare them a lingering death'," she retorted. "I know you will not let them live!" Suddenly, he gave a low chuckle, his face twisting in a wry look of admiration.

"Clever girl," he scoffed as Hiccup saw the twins surrounded-though neither looked especially concerned.

"Was a diversion too much to ask?" he sighed. Tuff inspected his fingernails.

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