Chapter 24

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Chapter 24.

Although he had been expecting it, although there really was nothing else that could happen to him for his actions, finding himself in a cell back in Berk had completely knocked the wind out of Hiccup. Seeing the Princess hustled away, his father held back at spear-point and the others standing silent before the furious King had just reinforced every fear he had. And despite everything she had promised, Astrid hadn't said a word.

He slid down to the floor, drawing his knees up to his chest. They had at least left him the cloak to wrap around his body, to keep him warm while he waited for his fate. He knew that Harild would want his trial conducted as soon as possible and then closure enacted with his execution. And all he had done was help someone he thought was a friend and rescued the Princess. He sighed. He was probably the first person in Berk's history who was going to be executed for being a hero.


His head snapped up and he moved achingly towards the door, hearing the shuffling of feet.

"Gustav?" he hissed and there was a pause.

"Yeah, it's me!" the boy said outside the door, his natural enthusiasm damped somewhat. "Is it true?"

"Pretend I've been out of the castle for a few weeks so have no clue what the gossips have been saying?" Hiccup told him, wincing at his own sarcasm. There was a hurt pause.

"No need to be mean," Gustav replied stiffly. "Look, the squires and the knights have been saying you stole Thuggery's kit and went in his place and..."

"And you know that's a steaming pile of yak dung?" Hiccup retorted. "One of the pages-the skinny blonde one with the snotty nose, Stefan, I think-was sent by Thuggory for me in the stables. Thug begged me to take his place. He claimed he was too drunk and he would lose his place in the squires if he failed to make the hunt. He said he wouldn't sponsor me in the Tests if he was expelled so I...I did it..."

"Hicc..." The tone was reproachful and curiously, that upset the prisoner more than anything else.

"I know-it was insane but honestly, I was desperate, Gustav!" he protested. "It could have been my last chance and I-I wanted to believe that someone would help me."

"We always helped you," Gustav protested. Hiccup sighed.

"I know. But you couldn't get me a shot at the Tests," he said in a shamed voice. "And I know it was selfish and it was only supposed to be one day...but the Princess was ambushed by Alvin De Traitre and Lord Eret and..."

"That can't be right," Gustav cut in. "Lord Eret reported the attack and helped the search and then headed north when he received a letter from his master..."

"Eret organised the whole thing-he intercepted us when we got away from Reaper and came through the Dragon Forest and took Astrid north to Nordlund and Count Drago..."

"Hang did you get to Reaper? I thought you were in Outcast...and how is Astrid here if you ended up in the Dark Count's lands?" Gustav asked suspiciously.

"Um...very long story...but I rescued her with help from Dad, the twins and Fishlegs!" Hiccup revealed. "Anyway, it's done now-though no one will believe me. Are you guys okay?" There was a pause.

"Don't worry-I've taken care of them-and Gobber has been great," he revealed. "He's been teaching me and Synnoeve how to do smithing. I'm getting pretty good and Gobber has said he will apprentice me..." Hiccup sank to his knees.

"He'll need an apprentice-and there was never any chance they would recognise me as it," Hiccup muttered bleakly. There was the sound of shuffling feet and it was clear Gustav was feeling self-conscious.

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