Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

"TONIGHT?" Fishlegs squeaked in shock. "But...there's a giant dragon sleeping behind us, the place is full of enemy soldiers and we have no clue where anything or who anyone is!"

"Okay-so I admit this is a little bit of a standing start but what I need is..." Hiccup began and paused, his eyes sweeping up over the citadel and noting the men patrolling. "A disguise. Preferably five disguises-one extra size..."

"Son..." Stoick growled as his son shot him a wink.

"Sorry, Dad-couldn't resist it," he admitted. "Their uniforms mean you can't see who is inside. Dad-you taught me that if you look as if you know what you're doing, people will tend to believe you do." The Commander nodded slowly. "Twins, Fish-find the Princess's horse and get her ready to take to the gate. Then I need a diversion-preferably something big..."

"Armoury?" Tuff suggested.

"Same diversion twice? Really? You losing your touch, mutton-head?" Ruff taunted him. He instantly drew himself up.

"I call Thorston challenge!" he said sternly. "Whoever makes the biggest diversion without getting killed wins!"

"You're on!" his sister agreed and both spat in their palms, then shook hands.

"What just happened?" Fishlegs asked worriedly-because he was supposed to be accompanying the crazy pair. But Hiccup smiled.

"Don't worry-it's a wager they do every now and then," he reassured his friend. "But it does mean they'll be extremely focussed-so make use of it while you can!" He glanced up at the Commander. "Dad-you're with me. We're going into the citadel to see if we can get to Astrid." Stoick nodded, seeing the determination in his son's eyes.

"Your show, son," he said evenly, determined that no matter what, his son would succeed. No matter what it cost Stoick personally... Hiccup turned to the dragons, emerald eyes warm with gratitude as Toothless gave a little warble.

"I know I shouldn't ask for more, bud but could you wait a little?" he asked softly. "Only until dawn. If we're not out by then, we're probably screwed anyway..." The dragon nuzzled against his middle and the young man hugged him. "Thanks, bud," he whispered. "But if there's any trouble, you go. You have something to live for. Everything I have and everything I hope for is there in that citadel,...and if I let her be lost, then I am lost as well."

"Don't you worry, H," Tuff said seriously. "You have Thorstons on your side. Nothing can go wrong..."

"And he had to say that!" his sister sighed. "Come on mutton-head. Let's show these guys what happens when you fight the Berk Knights."


The guard was completely shocked when a thin young man with dark auburn hair and bright green eyes walked up to him. Citizens of Nordlund tended to be cowed and obedient, skipping out of the way of the soldiers and guards because they knew Drago valued his fighting men above all the others in his lands. This young man was in a stained and patched tunic and his scruffy cloak flapped in the cold damp breeze as he emerged from the torchlit gloom.

"Excuse me," he said in a clear, slightly nasal voice. "I'm a spy from Berk and I was wondering if you wanted to arrest me." The guards stared at him then at each other in shock before one lunged forward, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and lifting him from the floor.

"You're in the wrong place, wretch!" he growled as a huge shape reared from the darkness behind him, punching him out in one fell blow. As he dropped the young man, he snatched the guard's pike and spun round, using it as a quarter-staff to slam the other guard back and then crack it down over the man's head, stunning him into unconsciousness.

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