Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

"So they've already headed south back towards Berk?" Spitelout growled, rolling his eyes at the stupidity of his son. Snotlout was unrepentant.

"The talk in the tavern was that Lady Heather sent them to the border with an escort, a load of provisions and a new treaty," he replied. "And yes, Hiccup was with her."

"So is Stoick," Thuggory added, seeing his chance. Spitelout turned to him, eyes wide and jaw slack.

"WHAT?" he demanded, grabbing Thuggery's shoulder.

"Commander Stoick Haddock was with her," Thuggory repeated and Dogsbreath nodded, having seen him in the stables. Spitelout broke away, face creased with urgent thought as he tried to calculate an answer to this disaster.

"He's ALIVE?" he snapped. "How did that happen?" Snotlout opened his mouth. "Never mind. This makes things worse..."

"Or better, since he is a declared traitor?" Thuggory suggested. "Maybe that can play to our advantage?"

"How?" the Captain asked, leaning close.

"His credibility is gone and if something happens...well, no one would miss him?" he suggested.

"Go on," the Captain urged him. Thuggory thought quickly.

"They're heading through Flightmare Valley along the road-and there are a lot of outlaws on the way," he said carefully. "Maybe we can make sure that there are outlaws there to ambush them...and injure those we want...and let go those we don't..."

"Perhaps to be rescued by her faithful squires?" Spitelout suggested. Thuggory nodded, a cruel smile on his face as Snotlout looked perplexed.

"What just happened?' he asked, frowning. Thuggory smiled.

"We're going to intercept the Princess-and dispose of the Haddocks!" he said.


Stoick heard the sounds of voices from the little bedroom and paused outside in the main parlour for a few moments, almost overcome with relief before being unable to wait to see Hiccup for himself and flinging the door open... see his half-naked son kissing Astrid, his hand threaded in her hair and her arm around his neck. There was an awkward pause as the two young people pulled apart in shock and stared at the Commander. Suddenly Stoick felt amazingly out of place, feeling his own cheeks heat under his beard. In fact, he had never felt so embarrassed.

"DAD!" Hiccup groaned, almost face-palming. The famous Knight Commander waved.

"Good-good to see you up and about, son..." he began then realised what he had said. His jaw worked soundlessly before he managed: "I mean...carry on!" And he left the room at a run. The two stared at the door-then Astrid burst out laughing.

"Did he just say that?" Hiccup asked, gesturing at the door. "I mean, he never knocked and though I am more thankful than anyone on Midgard that my Dad is alive...I may die of embarrassment!"

"And I'm not sure even Mother Gothi has an antidote for that!" Astrid giggled, doubled up with mirth.

"Ha ha, Milady," he grumbled. "Kick a man when he's down and injured..." She leaned forward and grasped his hand kissing him again.

"Am I forgiven?" she asked him sweetly and he smiled, his emerald eyes lighting with affection.

"Um...of course...and not just because it would be treason to refuse to," he admitted, leaning forward and resting his forehead against hers. "Though I may have to go and hide in the northern wastes, near Freezing-To-Death, if the King finds out that I kissed the Heir. I mean that would definitely be a crime of heinous proportions..."

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