Chapter 26: Epilogue

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Chapter 26: Epilogue

The clangs of the sword as the squires fought echoed round the arena while the Commander circled the ring, making notes on his pad. He had forcibly separated the twins because there was no way he could make a proper assessment with Ruff and Tuff fighting each other. He sighed and scratched his beard, then beckoned one of the other knights to help him. And he wasn't at all surprised at the tall, lean shape that came trotting up.

"Can I help you, Sir?" Hiccup asked cheerfully, willingly presenting himself to help out with the Tests. He knew it would be awkward and he guessed he would field more than a few mouthfuls of abuse but his father needed help.

No job is too small nor task too difficult.

Stoick smiled gratefully and handed the young man a notepad and charcoal.

"Thanks, Hiccup," he said in relief. "Could you watch Fishlegs and Ruffnut please?" Hiccup's eyes suddenly looked wary and then he nodded.

"Of course," he said calmly. Even though they are my friends. Please Thor, don't let them mess up. I would hate to fail them... But he dutifully walked through the pairs of squires and stopped by the pair, nodding to his husky friend and the wild female twin.

"Hey, Hiccup!" Ruff grinned and twirled the sword in her hand.

"Hey, Sir Hiccup," Fishlegs said seriously and the young knight rolled his eyes.

"Guys, it's me," he sighed. "Just me. So please don't mess this up!" Ruff sidled up and whined at him.

"Can't you just pass us. Pleeeeeeeeease?"


"I'll be your best friend."


"I'll kiss you."


"I'll even..."

"Utter another word and I will fail your scrawny ass!" Hiccup told her sternly. "Look, I'm not asking you to fight to the death..."


"Thank you, Ruffnut," he said in a long-suffering voice. "But you have to fight. And you will be scored. If you score well enough, you will fight a full knight in combat for the right to join their ranks. If you fail, you will have to wait another year."

"And you're scoring us?" Fishlegs checked.

"No, Fish-my father who is looking in completely the opposite direction will guess your score by looking at chickens' feet and yak entrails later!" Hiccup retorted with maximum sarcasm. "Of course I am scoring you!" He sighed. "Guys-I really want you to pass because you were friends to me in the end...but you do have to be worthy of a duel...because if you aren't good enough, the knights will have no mercy!"

"Eeep!" Fishlegs squeaked. Hiccup stepped back.

"On your marks-en garde-combat!" he said sternly and the two lifted their swords. Hiccup watched as the two fought, their styles very different. Ruff was swift, strong, decisive but wild and reckless while Fishlegs was sturdy, measured, very solid but reticent to attack and defensive. Unconsciously, he made notes and picked up on a couple of technical flaws in each of their techniques: he had been tutored for thirteen years until he was thrown out of the squires and he was a very critical and keen observer of swordplay. Finally, he waved his hands and the two pulled apart, both sweating and breathing hard.

"Ruff-good work," he said. "You are very direct and aggressive and you certainly outscored Fish initially. But you leave your left flank unprotected most of the time. And I know that Tuff normally stands there but you have to be prepared that when he isn't there, you don't die for that lack." She stared at him and nodded reluctantly. "And Fish-you really are extremely cautious and never waste any effort in an attack. Your technique is solid and secure...but you have to take openings when they arise and attack to press your advantage."

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