Chapter 19

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Astrid Hofferson, Heir of Berk and reluctant but dutiful Princess, felt a shiver run down her spine as the booming clang reverberated around the stony vale just beyond the barrier. She was trapped in the land of Drago, the most dangerous enemy of her people-and it was her own fault. Had she trusted Hiccup and not reacted on instinct, she was sure he would have rescued her. As it was, she had treated him cruelly and probably hastened his death. And she had never gotten to say goodbye or thank you or...any of the other things she should have said.

Sorry. I should have said sorry, she thought with resignation. He did so much to try to get me home and I never fought for him as he did for me. Gods, he went through Helheim to get me away from Outcast and Reaper and I never really treated him like a friend let alone an equal. She paused and groaned. And he was my friend-all the way back as children, he was always the one who made sure I was never blamed for any scrapes we got into. It was always him. Thor, he was protecting me even then. And when he kissed me... She blushed unconsciously. When he kissed me, it was real, not a fake, even though it was intended just to be pretend. It was bold and warm and it didn't matter I was a Princess because it was...amazing.

"I hope you are enjoying the freedom of this ride, Princess," Eret said smugly. "Because it is the last freedom you will get. Count Drago will keep you locked in a cage until he is ready to present his new wife to King Harild...and claim his rightful throne in Berk."

"Ragnarok will come first," Astrid hissed, her voice filled with hatred. "And I will watch you die screaming, you treacherous worm!" He gave a mocking bow.

"As the future Countess wishes," he sneered and accelerated away, hooves clopping along the cobbled road up towards the citadel that rose a mere mile ahead, the heavily armoured walls and multiple guard posts filling her with a renewed sense of despondency. There was no way she could ever hope to get away and back home. Eret had won: she was lost.


Toothless wheeled around as the thunderous clang of the doors closing echoed across the barren lands of northern Berserk and then swooped in to land on a low line of hills overlooking the road. Fury gave a grateful whinny and accelerated away from the dragon, hitting the flat ground swiftly and then walking a little way away from the winged beasts that landed around the Night Fury. Crusher tried to bite Hookfang and the dragon shook his head in a warning gesture before ambling away. Stoick gratefully slid to the ground as his son sat motionless, bowed forward over the Night Fury's neck.

"I'm sorry," the Commander said. "Not all quests end in success..." Slowly, Hiccup straightened up and his eyes flashed with exasperation.

"Astrid isn't a quest!" he sighed. "She's a pain and speaks without thinking and still thinks I'm not worth anything even though I saved her...but I swore I would rescue her and I can't go back to Berk without her."

"I'm sure..." Stoick began but his son suddenly leapt from the dragon and sped forward.

"Dad-I am accused of kidnapping Astrid and taking her to my 'allies' in Outcast!" he yelled. "So if I don't come back with the Princess, I will be arrested and executed out of hand. She is literally my only chance of survival!"

"But how can they...?" he murmured and then shook himself. "We will sort this out," he promised. Hiccup sagged.

"I don't see how," he mumbled. "I mean, I have failed her and I really have no clue how we can..." There was a chittering and both men looked at Sharphot, who was bouncing up and down excitedly on Hookfang's head. The dragon rolled his eyes and set himself on fire, causing the smaller dragon to launch with an indignant squawk. All the larger dragons made laughing noises and Hiccup managed a small smile.

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