Chapter 12

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Astrid's eyes snapped open wide in utter shock as Hiccup pressed her back against the wooden wall of the stall and kissed her. A part of her was shocked and outraged that Hiccup-a damned drudge and possible traitor, when all was said and done-had dared to lay a finger on her without invitation, let alone kiss her. But another, more treacherous part was intensely aware of his warm, enclosing presence, his hands pressed flat against the wooden divider to each side of her head, his surprisingly soft lips barely grazing hers and wisps of his soft auburn hair brushing her forehead. His breath gently caressed her skin.

"Keep still," he mumbled against her lips, his body arched over hers, effectively covering her as he maintained the lightest of contacts in the kiss.

"What have we here?" a voice sneered from above-and Astrid shivered, keeping her eyes closed and body locked against his, her hands instinctively closing around his lean and tense torso. Ryker leaned over the stall divider and peered down at the boy and his hidden companion, unsure who he was seeing. "Break it up, boy! If my men catch you rutting, they'll make you regret your stupidity...though maybe your companion will appreciate the upgrade..."

Hiccup tensed further but didn't move, though his breathing had accelerated. Deliberately, he moved a hand over to press against Astrid's cheek-on the side closest to the General-and apparently deepened the kiss, though his hand covered her identity further. Snorting in laughter, the big General stomped away, calling his men and passing a very disparaging comment. But it was only when the steps died away that Hiccup pulled back, scooting backwards almost as if scalded, his cheeks scorching with embarrassment. 

Astrid's dazed blue eyes fluttered open, her cheeks lightly flushed and pink lips slightly parted, her breath coming in soft, wonder-filled pants. Suddenly, she felt warm inside, her lips burning with the memory of the gentle yet surprisingly sweet kiss, even as the cool breeze caressed her face as her protector pulled away.

"S-sorry," Hiccup mumbled, inching further away, emerald eyes downcast. " him approaching and I thought he...they...well...yeah..."

A blonde, delicate eyebrow arched above amused azure eyes and her lips lifted in a smile.

"That is the worst explanation I have ever heard," she pointed out and his shoulders slumped, every trace of the man who had just kissed her vanishing.

"I'm sorry," he said simply and scrambled to his feet but she lunged forward and captured his hand before he could run. Lithely, she rose to her feet and stared up into his horribly self-conscious face.

"Hiccup," she said more gently, realising that her usual brusque tone would spook him. "You kissed me." He nodded dumbly, chewing a lip.

"Um...yeah, Milady," he admitted in a low voice. "It was the only way I could think of covering your identity where Ryker wouldn't expect us to look up and stand to attention...and well, you're a...and I'm it was sort of plausible." He took an embarrassed breath. "And my Dad always pointed out that people are brought up to look away from couples engaged in well...because of societal it is a reasonably effective form of disguise..."

Holy Thor...that is the most cool and clear-headed reasoning in a split second that I have ever heard, Astrid realised, staring up into his lightly-flushed face. Sure he was bruised and battered from his various encounters but he had chased her when no one else did their duty; he had risked his life-and certainly earned some cruel treatment to get her out of Outcast; he had stopped her riding heedless straight into the arms of traitors; he had taken her safely through the mountains and he had disguised her to protect her as they entered the Hunter lands. Oh, and he had saved her life in the fight from treachery that she as a naive noblewoman-trained in arms, not battle-would not have expected but which he certainly had. And his reward had been a blow that could have cost him his life. 

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