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Beep, beep, beep her alarm whined

She opened her eyes but could not see, for in the darkness she was blind

Quietly she crept out of bed

Not sleeping, but wide awake instead

She grabbed her basket, her red hoodie and pretty lace dress

Careful not to make a mess

Tiptoed past her parents' room

Past the closet that contained the broom

Past the street lamp;

The midnight air so foggy and damp

From the sky droplets fell as she entered the woods

Her basket filled with plenty of sweets and goods

She held it closer to her chest

An effort to keep them dry for her guest

She stopped in a clearing

A tall shadow waiting, nearing

A calloused hand brushed against her cheek,

Leaving her head spinning and knees so weak

He greeted her with his husky voice

And once again she did rejoice

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