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The next day, Aleta walked with determination toward the Sky Box. She was going to try to see Clarke again and she really wasn't in the mood to take 'no' for an answer. Her curiosity had reached its peak and she wanted answers. She didn't know why she cared so much and why she wanted to know so badly. But she needed to understand. Treason wasn't something Clarke would do. There were pieces missing and people, specifically the council, were keeping secrets. Though that wasn't a surprise, the council always seemed to keep secrets. She suspected her parents were when they'd speak in hushed voices are stop their conversation whenever she entered the room.

They were never this secretive nor did they act so suspicious. But recently, something was going on, something that no one could know. It must have been something big. As Aleta reached the Lockup, there was a crowd of people and a lot of commotion. "Folks, as I said, at this time, we cannot confirm or deny anything," Callie Cartwig was saying to the crowd.

"Come on, lady! Is my son on that ship?" A man yelled at her. "What's going on? What ship?" Aleta asked aloud, hoping someone would answer. Everyone was too busy trying to get answers that no one heard her question.

The dark haired girl quickly exited the area and walked to the Go-Sci Station, where she knew her parents would be. If anyone knew what was going on, it would be them. And she was going to find out exactly what was happening.

When she arrived, there were many people bustling around. More people than usual. She stood on the tips of her toes and scanned the area, hoping to see one, or both, of her parents. She spotted a room where most of the activity was and walked toward the entrance but was stopped by a guard. "You can't go in there," she said, holding her arms out in front of her to stop Aleta from moving forward.

"And why not?" Aleta asked suspiciously. The guard scowled. "Because it's off limits," she said coldly. "Well I'm looking for my parents. Where are they?" Aleta said back. The guard's face remained hard as she answered, "They're busy. Come back later."

"I need to speak with them now," Aleta responded, taking a step closer to the guard. "Either you tell me where they are, or I'll find them myself," Aleta continued. She was growing very annoyed. The guard glared hard at her. "What's going on here?" A male voice asked. Recognizing the voice, Aleta turned around and quickly walked toward it.

"Dad, what's going on?" Aleta asked him. He smiled at her. "What do you mean? Nothing's going on," Damon Correia answered. Aleta narrowed her eyes at the man. "Okay, cut the crap, dad. I go to the Sky Box to try and see if I can visit Clarke again and there's a crowd of people. You wanna know what they were there for? I mean, I'm sure you already know but I'll tell you anyway. They were asking about a ship and if their kids were in it. Now, I have no idea what's going on, but I will find out whether you tell me or not. So, what is going on?" Aleta said.

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, the 100 [1]Where stories live. Discover now