Chapter 1

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Greystar yawned as dawn light bathed the camp. Brackenfur stood at the edge of camp, gathering up the dawn patrol whilst Goldenflower's kits frolicked in the morning dew. Frostfur came up beside him, a smile on her face. 
"Isn't it great," she whispered, closing her eyes and letting the wind ruffle her whiskers. 
"What?" Greystar asked. 
"Peace," she murmured. 
"Sure is," he sighed. 
After everything that had been happening between the three clans it really was a relief to finally just get to sit and watch the sun rise. Frostfur stood up slowly after a few moments of just sitting and enjoying new-leaf's new warmth. 
"I'm going to go hunt," she meowed, eyes brighter. 
"But what about your legs?" he asked. He originally had thought Frostfur still had a few warrior moons in her but her limbs had seized up so much she could barely walk without hobbling and tripping. 
"I need a walk," she shrugged, limping over to the camp entrance. Now that they'd had this camp for a while the clan had built a thick wall of thorns around the cave so cats could share-tongues in daylight. Greystar watched as Stonekit tumbled through the grass, russet paws turning to green as he skidded around. He decided to go see how Goldenflower was doing. Pikeclaw was sat with her, next to the moss rock. 
"How are you getting on with the kits?" Greystar asked as he neared. 
"Oh, they're such sweethearts Greystar," she meowed, eyes filled with warmth as she gazed upon her kits. 
"How old are they now? A moon?" Greystar asked as he tried to think of when she had kitted. 
"Older than a moon actually!" squeaked a voice behind him. Greystar looked round to see Blazekit standing there proudly, her sisters by her side. 
"They grow so fast," Pikeclaw sighed. 
"Yeah! And then we'll be apprentices!" Meadowkit bounced. Stonekit barged in between them and gazed up at Greystar with round eyes. 
"Who's going to be our mentors Greystar?" he asked. Greystar smiled.
"You'll find out when your six moons!" he laughed. 
"Awww! I wish I was six moons now!" Tulipkit frowned. 
"Cheer up, enjoy kit-hood while you have it," Greystar told them, kicking a ball of moss at them. They immediately started to scuffle for it, their excited mewls echoing across camp. Greystar sat down by Goldenflower. 
"Honestly, I'm a bit impatient too. They'll be a great addition to our clan," Greystar grinned. Goldenflower nodded in agreement. 
Suddenly a loud caw sounded from above. Greystar shot his attention towards the sky to see a hawk circling above the kits. 
"Hawk!" he yowled. The kits looked up from the mossball, eyes filled with confusion. 
"My kits!" Goldenflower yowled, racing over to them as the hawk started to dive. Her and Pikeclaw darted over to the kits, grabbing as many as they could before racing to the caves. Tulipkit had slipped away! Before Greystar could do anything, the hawk had the golden she-kit in it's talons. Greystar yowled, leaping up into the air and grasping on to the hawk by wrapping his paws around it's neck, kicking at it's belly to keep it's claws away from his. The hawk screeched and dropped Tulipkit. Greystar shivered as he followed. He thought the hawk would be done after that. No. It came diving back down. This time though, it was another flash of grey that flew for the bird. It was Ashpaw! His fur was bushed and he hissed and spat. The hawk finally gave up and flew away, letting out ear-splitting cries of frustration as it glided above the trees and disappeared. Goldenflower suddenly raced over. 
"Tulipkit! I thought I'd taken her!" she gasped, racing over. Tulipkit was unconscious, her small body laying limp on the ground. She was breathing though. 
"We have no medicine cat! What are we going to do!" Pikeclaw gasped as he turned over Tulipkit to reveal a bloody gash in her side. 
"I can help!" called a voice. Frostfur stumbled over and leaned over the kit ,"Spottedleaf and Cinderpelt used to teach me a few things about medicine." 
"Great!" Goldenflower meowed ,"What do we do?" Frostfur thought for a moment. 
"Well I'm not sure how infections are stopped but I know cobwebs will stop the bleeding," she nodded to herself. 
"I know a rotted tree where there'll be plenty cobwebs!" Ashpaw exclaimed. 
"Good, hurry. Get as many as you can! Goldenflower, make sure your kits don't see her like this. Don't let them worry," Frostfur instructed. Goldenflower nodded and ran off towards the cave, Pikeclaw at her heels. Frostfur sniffed Tulipkit, nudging her gently. She didn't wake. Greystar then thought of something. 
"Wait! Pikeclaw!" Greystar called. The russet tom poked his head out ,"Could you go get moss to make a nest for Tulipkit." 
"Wouldn't we just bring her to her usual nest?" 
"Actually, Greystar has a point. We don't want her loosing anymore blood on the way. Anyway, then her littermates would see her," Frostfur told him. Pikeclaw then ran off, racing through the entrance and skidding on the newly growing ferns. Ashpaw then returned, followed by Brackenfur's patrol. 
"What happened?" Brakcenfur's eyes widened as he gazed upon the small kit, pooling with blood. 
"Hawk," Frostfur replied briskly, grabbing the herbs off Ashpaw and wrapping them around the wound. Pikeclaw then returned, face hidden by the massive clump of moss he'd gathered. 
"Put it under that hazel bush," Greystar told him, watching closely as Frostfur cared for Tulipkit. 
"We have to lift her," she mewed, nuzzling her muzzle under Tulipkits rear whilst Greystar nuzzled under her head and neck. They then gently placed her in the freshy made nest and gave her space. 
"I'll keep an eye on her," Frostfur assured, curling around Tulipkit to keep her warm. 
"Thank you Frostfur," Greystar dipped his head then went over to Goldenflower to tell her what had happened. So much for a peaceful morning.

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