Chapter 14

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Ember licked Raven's head comfortingly. "It'll be okay," she whispered. They were all so scared.. After the other two clans had discovered Spirit had basically buried their clanmates alive they decided they had the right to invite themselves to sleep in the soon to be abandoned campgrounds. There wasn't anything Ember or the others could do. Bandit and Cleo had even been talking about joining them, but Ember was still suspicious. Of course she wasn't just going to go join the clan that had killed her mate and destroyed her clan! 

The sun crawled above the horizon, bathing the hollow in its warm yellow light. Ember yawned, padding out the den only to find there was snow almost as high as her outside. 
"Snow!" a small voice squeaked excitedly. Before Ember could react she saw a quick flash of orange go diving into the snow. Inferno almost immediately seemed to regret it, racing back into the den, fur dotted with white. 
"C-Cold," he shivered. 
"MothBrain! I bet it's nothing!" Sky rolled her eyes. Inferno growled in anger. 
"Why don't you try it then?" he challenged. Sky strolled over to the entrance, poking gingerly at the mound of snow in front of her. It was twice her height. She then took a big leap, white fur disappearing as she practically swam through camp. Ember kept an eye on the fluffy white tail poking out the snow as she asked her kits if they wanted a badger ride. 
"Yes please!" Inferno grinned, glancing back at his sister ,"You coming Raven?" 
"Ermm... Ok," Raven agreed hesitantly, crawling up her mothers leg and onto her back with her brother. 
"Hold on tight!" Ember warned, trotting clumsily through the snow. Her kits squeaked in excitement as they followed Sky's trail. Sky then turned around. 
"What?! How come they get a badger ride?" Sky huffed. Embers attention, however was drawn to the grey tom who rose from his nest. Her eyes narrowed. She felt Sky join her siblings. Ember made her way towards the DawnClan leader once she'd got a hold. 
"Good morning Ember," Greystar dipped his head politely. Ember ignored the gesture. 
"How long will you be staying here?" she asked bluntly. Greystar sighed, breath billowing in the cold Leaf-Bare air.
"We'll be heading off as soon as everyones awake. Will you be joining us?" he asked. Ember was about to say no when she felt Raven shake the snow from her whiskers. She realised that her kits needed these clans. Ember couldn't look after them alone. It was mid Leaf-Bare, she had never been a mother before and there was nobody else to raise them alongside her now. She didn't have much of a choice. 
"Alright," she mumbled. 
"Very well," Greystar nodded respectfully. Ember stifled a growl. He was hiding something. She just knew it. Was he planning on killing her kits too? Who could she trust? 

By the time the sun had risen above the bramble bushes the every cat was awake, splotches of black and brown leaping through the snow. 
"Is everyone ready?" Greystar asked the gathering cats. They were all here. "It's time to take back what should still have been ours a long time ago!" Greystar yowled, starting the journey through the frozen forest. Ember trailed after him, making a pathway behind her for her kits. Cleo then approached her. 
"I could help you carry them if you like? I could fetch Bandit too," Cleo offered. 
"I don't need to be carried! I'm a big kit now!" Inferno boasted, even though his teeth chattered. 
"Alright," Ember agreed, grabbing Inferno by the scruff and lifting him just high enough that his back paws didn't tough the snow. Bandit was already here, gently lifting Raven up off the ground. Cleo was trying her best to get Sky. 
"I don't want to!" she protested, tail lashing stubbornly. 
"I could let you ride on my back?" Cleo suggested desperately. Sky looked thoughtful. 
"Fine.." she grumbled, clawing her way up Cleo's back. 
"What do you say?" Ember asked through narrowed eyes. 
"Thank you Cleo.." Sky sighed as she got comfortable. 

Before long they had left the birch wood and were crossing the marsh. The mud had turned to slippery ice and Ember had to watch her step. A couple cats had already fallen over because of it. Ember looked up at the grey sky, a small flake of snow landing on her nose. The snow here was much lower here but Ember refused to let Inferno go. He hadn't stopped complaining since camp about how he was more than able to make the journey on his own four paws. Suddenly a harsh cry rang out from above. Embers fur bristled as she saw a hawk, eyes bearing down on her three kits. Cleo and Bandit flanked her, keeping their heads low to protect them. Even the DawnClan and DisperseClan cats were forming a closer circle around her. Hopefully it would realise it had no chance and give up soon. 
"Why does everyone look so nervous?" Sky asked as Cleo moved her from her back to her mouth. 
"Wow! Look at that bird! It's so big!" Inferno gasped. Raven whimpered. 
"Is it going to hurt us?" she asked. 
"Not whilst I can see it," Ember growled, gaze locked on the hovering predator. The hawk pointed it's beak to the ground and swooped down, talons outstretched. Ember suddenly felt her heart drop into her stomach. How was she mean't to fend this off? She hadn't fought a flying predator before. She had to think fast, it was heartbeats away from clawing out her eyes, but she couldn't move. She was frozen in fear. She closed her eyes preparing for that hawk being the last thing she ever sees but instead she hears a thud and then a screech. Cautiously, Ember opens one eye only to see a few stray feathers floating towards the ground. She turned her head to see Greystar tackling the hawk to the ground. There was a long score down his side that was bleeding heavily but he continued to slash at the hawks face. Eventually the hawk gave up, beating its wings desperately to free itself. Greystar sprang back with a snarl as the massive bird hobbled away before flying unevenly back across the marsh. Ember turned back to the DawnClan leader in surprise as he lay on his side. Littlecloud was treating to his wounds. Ember couldn't quite shake off what had just happened. Maybe Greystar wasn't so bad after all? 

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