Chapter 20

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Why did my voice have to crack? 
This is it. 
I'm going to be a rouge now. 
I will never be accepted into any clan.
He ruined it all.
Everything I ever wanted to achieve. 
I may as well run now but I... 

Littlecloud froze up as Greystar stared at him. He was waiting for an answer but  Littlelcoud couldn't reply. His throat felt as if it had closed up.
"See? I never expected him to be the traitor," Dagger depreciated, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"I don't believe it! Littlecloud wouldn't have done that!" Goldenflower defended.
"He is a ShadowClan cat," Pikeclaw argued more quietly. His mate shot him a sharp glare.
"I didn't do it," Littlecloud's voice was barely a whisper. His heart pounded. Was this really it?
"Don't lie!" Vine hissed at him, eyes glittering with a well hidden sense of mischief.
"I didn't betray this clan!" Littlecloud yowled. His declaration bounced off the clan walls, startling the birds in a nearby trees.
"Greystar, who do you believe?" Brackenfur asked his leader. He asked it like it wasn't really a question, which was true. Surely he should have more faith in his medicine cat than some previously rouge leader?
"Littlecloud, what's your side to the story?" Greystar asked after a moments hesitation.
"I was asleep in my nest when Dagger woke me up, don't ask how he managed to sneak in, I have no clue. He told me he would sneak me out to ShadowClan and that you lied about his rejection. I refused of course, since that would be unfair to Tulippaw and then he went out and started babbling on about this Fox Dung that I told him secrets about the clans!" Littlecloud felt anger start to replace his fear.
"I'm going to take your word Littlecloud. I'll be very disappointed if Daggers accusations prove to be true," Greystar sighed. 
"Thank you so much Greystar," Littlecloud shuddered with relief. 
"You'll regret that Greystar. I would hope you would guard him, maybe it'll be RiverClan next!" Dagger grinned as he was shoved out of camp by Pikeclaw and Cloudtail and then escorted to the border. The camp was silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. 
"So who has to guard the medicine cat den?" Jaysong asked. 
"There will be no guards," Greystar replied sharply. 
"What? He betrayed our clan!" Longtail hissed. 
"How many of you believe this?" Greystar's gaze raked across the crowd of cats.
"I think it's very possible," Ashfur inputted. 
"Agreed," Mousefur nodded. 
"Does anyone remember the sickness?" Sandstorm asked, interrupting the mingling crowd. They cast each other some confused glances. "The sickness that overtook ShadowClan," the pale she-cat continued ,"Do you remember when Cinderpelt saved Littlecloud and Whitethroat from death and convinced Littlecloud that being a medicine cat was the best role for him?" 
"I remember that, Whitethroat died on the ThunderPath later that day!" Longtail called out. Littlecloud felt a pang of sorrow. Hardly anyone remembered him, but Littlecloud would never forget. He was the best friend he could have ever had. 
It was the reason Littlecloud always kept back from Firestar. He was the one who chased him in front of a car. Whether it was intentional or not he killed his friend.
"What's your point Sandstorm?" Greystar broke Littlecloud from his thoughts. 
"My point is that Littlecloud owes us for saving his clan. I doubt he has forgotten that. It would be beyond disloyal to betray us now," Sandstorm stated. 
"He probably only remembered that now that you mentioned it!" Longtail rolled his eyes. 
"Of course I haven't forgotten!" Littlecloud quickly joined in on this before it was beyond his control. Littlecloud started the striped tom right in the eyes ,"Would you have forgotten if a ShadowClan cat had saved your entire clan from dying?" he asked. Longtail returned a growl. 
"We're ending this argument here. There is no proof Littlecloud is guilty or not so there will be no guards or look outs and that is final!" Greystar snarled. No cat objected.

Later that night Littlecloud was sat in the medicine den, sorting through his chervil stock. Most of it was dead and there was next to no chance of finding it in the forests. The clan would have to do without it. 
"Littlecloud?" Greystar called into the den. The small medicine cat turned his head slowly meet Greystars gaze. 
"Mistystar, Barkface and Onestar are here. They want to speak with you and I," he explained. He looked just as confused as Littlecloud felt, or at least he portrayed to be. Littlecloud didn't know what to believe anymore when it came to Greystar. He desperately wanted to join ShadowClan and reunite with his family. Greystar had no idea how horrible it felt to be torn in two like Littlecloud! 
Then he recalled when he had joined RiverClan to be with Featherpaw and Stormpaw. He must think about them a lot... "Littlecloud? Come on," Greystar drew Littlecloud from his thoughts. He followed after the dark furred tom, spotting the other leaders and Barkface  as they sat formally in the centre of camp. Littlecloud dipped his head respectfully as he approached them. 
"Can we discuss this someplace else?" Mistystar requested, narrowing her eyes as the ThunderClan cats glared at them with open ears. 
"Sure," Greystar didn't seem to have any idea of what the two leaders and RiverClan medicine cat wanted as he led them out of camp. 
They found a small clearing in the forest and settled there. 
"So, we're here to discuss the medicine cat issue," Mistystar began. 
"Indeed. You and WindClan are the only clans with medicine cats. ShadowClan and RiverClan become more vulnerable every heart-beat they are left uncared for," Onestar justified. 
"What do you want us to do about it?" Greystar asked. 
"We were thinking of a starting a training programme. Two apprentices will be chosen from RiverClan and ShadowClan and will be trained by Littlecloud and Barkface," Mistystar explained.
"Well I'd had other plans. I was going to complete Tulippaws training and leave her as ThunderClans medicine cat before returning to ShadowClan," Littlecloud input.
"And how long will that take you?" Mistystar asked.
"Less time than it would to train a whole new apprentice for another clan," Littlecloud answered, meeting Onestars challenging gaze. "How about this, Barkface can take on a RiverClan apprentice and I will keep on training Tulippaw. That way every clan will eventually end up with a medicine cat," Littlecloud suggested. 
"But what if you decide to stay? Tulippaw has much to learn, it will be at least three moons before you'll even be able to give her her medicine cat name surely. You might have changed your mind b-" 
"Greystar. Stop trying to pretend ThunderClan is my family. I belong with ShadowClan and that will never change," Littlecloud interrupted his leader sharply. He was sick of Greystar making excuses for him to keep him in his clan.
"Remember you owe us," Greystar reminded Littlecloud with an edge to his meow.
"Can you argue about this later?" Onestar growled.
"No, because there isn't anything to argue about. I'm finishing my training with Tulippaw and then moving to ShadowClan. That is what it is," Littlecloud finished sternly.
"Good. That sounds like a fair decision, not that it's up to me. What I'm most glad to hear is that everything is going to work out. I hope to resolve this medicine cat issue by the next few seasons. That would be enough time to train a new apprentice, right?" Onestar asked his medicine cat. 
"I think so," the dark brown tom agreed. 
"Then it's settled," Onestar concluded, standing up slowly. 
"We'll see you at the gathering tomorrow," Mistystar nodded to Greystar before turning towards the river, walking at Onestars heels. 
"I think there is more to be settled," Greystar turned to face Littlecloud, his yellow eyes sharp and his eyes narrowed.

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